16 Ways To Use Banana Peel

Banana peel has more than one use in the home. Surely you knew that it could be used to fertilize plants and to promote their growth, but what else?

The banana is a delicious, versatile and nutrient-rich fruit. We can find it almost anywhere and it is possible to enjoy it in many ways. According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, it is a food that contains fiber, potassium, vitamin B6 and inulin.

As with other fruits, we almost always eat the pulp and throw the peels in the trash because we think they are useless. But the truth is that by throwing away the banana peels we are wasting an important part of the fruit that can have various uses.

In banana peels you can also find a certain amount of nutrients and antioxidants that can be used in the health field, but also in the home and garden.

As we know that few people know how to use banana peels, below we are going to share 16 of its main uses.

Uses of banana peel for health

Banana peel and knife.

According to popular beliefs, banana peel can be used for health care in various ways. Let’s see some of the most common uses that it is given in this regard.

  • Remedy for minor scratches and burns: Banana peel is said to contain a natural oil that acts as a soothing for burns and scratches. It is also recommended to rub the inside of a banana peel on the skin reddened by poison ivy.
  • Anti-warts: to eliminate those annoying warts that appear on the hands and other areas of the body, before going to bed, stick a piece of banana peel on it and leave it to act overnight. Repeat the treatment until the warts disappear.
  • Remedy against hemorrhoids: to relieve hemorrhoids, place the white part of the skin on the sore, leave it to act overnight and repeat the remedy as many times as necessary.
  • Remedy for insect bites: to relieve the itching caused by insect bites and poison ivy, rub the inside of a banana peel on the affected area and let it act for a few minutes.

Uses of banana peel in beauty

Girl with a facial mask.

  • Anti-acne: according to popular beliefs, the inner part of the banana skin contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to cleanse the skin of the face and fight acne. Cover the pimple with the peel and leave it to work until it rusts.
  • Anti- wrinkle: its antioxidants would help protect the skin and help prevent premature wrinkles. It is especially recommended for the area around the eyes.
  • Splinter remover remedy: those annoying splinters on the skin can be removed with the peel of a banana. Tape the peel over the splinter, then peel it off to remove the splinter.
  • Remedy for whiter teeth: banana peel is said to be a natural bleach to remove stains that form on teeth. Rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth for two minutes and repeat the treatment every day.

Other uses in the home and garden

Organic garbage to compost.

  • To tenderize the meat: If you don’t want the meat to get tough or dry, place the ripe banana peels in the roasting pan before taking it to the oven.
  • Helps to ripen avocados: the peels contain a substance called ethylene, which induces ripening in a short time. For this, put the hard avocado in a bag with some pieces of banana peel and leave it closed for 24 hours.
  • To polish leather goods: The banana peel helps to polish and polish leather goods such as shoes, furniture or belts, among others. Simply rub the peel over the surface and then wipe it with a cotton cloth.
  • Silver and metal object polish: Mix banana peel with a little water in the blender to form a paste. Use the mixture to clean the stains that will form on your silver utensils. You can also rub the banana peel directly on the object.
  • Insect repellent: put aside those insecticides that do so much damage to the environment and health. If aphids are spoiling your plants, bury chopped banana peels about an inch or two deep.
  • Fertilizer for plants: due to its high potassium content, banana peels help plants grow more easily. Mash the shells and pulp with a fork and then bury them around the seed.
  • To make homemade compost:  After using them, you can throw the husks in your compost container, with the rest of the organic garbage. These are easy to decompose and provide important nutrients to the soil.

What uses did you give the banana peel? Will you try to take advantage of it more from now on? We hope so!

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