3 Exercises To Eliminate Nerves And Tensions

In times of stress, restlessness and discomfort, many times what we most want is to have some method to obtain relief and feel better. However, we often forget to look for them or even apply them, and so the bad time may last longer than it should. Has it ever happened to you? Would you like to remedy it? In that case, you should give the following exercises a try to eliminate nerves and tensions.

Squeezing a stress ball, taking a deep breath, going for a walk in the fresh air, or doing some activity that helps you distract yourself are all actions that can be helpful, so keep them in mind!

1. Deep breathing exercise to relieve mental tension


As we have been commenting, sometimes, you do not have the opportunity to take the air, to go out to stretch your legs and mentally disconnect from your obligations in the way that you would like the most. Then, it is possible that you feel overwhelmed, loaded with nerves and tensions, and that all of this shows both physically and mentally.

To eliminate nerves and tensions and obtain relief in general, you can try the following deep breathing exercise, recommended by a publication of specialists from the Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Not only is it very simple, but you can also do it anywhere, including the office.

  • Stay seated in the chair, with your back straight, with both feet flat on the floor.
  • Now place your hands on your abdomen, just a little above your navel.
  • Take air very slowly through your nose, while relaxing your abdomen. There, you will notice how it swells very little by little with each breath. Notice it as if it were a small balloon under your hands.
  • Next, try to breathe out a little bit, at the same time that you contract your belly slightly. The important thing about this process is that you focus on your own breathing, on breathing in and out.
  • Repeat the exercise about 20 times; in this way, the whole body is well relaxed.

    2. Exercise to eliminate knotted nerves in the stomach

    It is very common for us to accumulate nerves and tension in the stomach. It is often popularly said that this is where the “second brain” is. In fact, there are those who consider that both systems are intimately connected, and that is why it is so common to feel nauseous or lose the desire to eat in situations of stress or very acute nerves.

    In addition to the study cited above, other publications such as one from the WebMD medical site confirm the effectiveness of deep breathing in promoting relaxation. For this reason, it is worth insisting on other variants of these techniques, such as the one explained below:

    • Stand up and loosen your body. To do this, you can do some gentle stretches.
    • Once you feel ready, take a slow breath and hold it for about 5 seconds. Notice how the abdomen has swelled as you do so.
    • Now release the air little by little, at the same time that you raise your shoulders. In this way, you will also stretch the ribs.
    • Repeat this simple process 10 times. It’s just a matter of taking in air, holding it, and lifting your shoulders for a few seconds. Test it!

    3. Relaxing exercise for the last hour of the day

    Woman taking nap on the couch.

    Worries, anxiety, and stress at one point can often strain the nerves in your face. These are those days when you feel pain in your temples and your jaws slightly tense, a very common sensation that you have surely suffered at some time.

    The following exercise to eliminate accumulated nerves and tensions should be done at home, once you have arrived and after taking a relaxing bath or shower.

    • Lie down on the sofa, with your legs slightly higher than your body. In this way, you will promote blood circulation.
    • Now focus on the area of ​​the forehead and temples; try to loosen this area. To do this, raise your eyebrows gently and hold this gesture for 10 seconds. Then relax.
    • Then, bring your hand to the area of ​​the nasal septum, right where the glasses are usually held. With your index finger and thumb, begin to massage this area by putting your fingers in the tear duct of your eyes. Get circular massages. This area is very sensitive, since it radiates a large part of the circulation towards the face.
    • To release tension in the jaw area, first close your mouth and force your tongue against your teeth, as if you were pushing them. Do it for 15 seconds.
    • Now, smile. This simple exercise makes you move various muscles in your face. After holding the smile for 10 seconds, close your mouth and contract your lips, forcefully, for about 5 seconds.
    • To eliminate nerves and tensions, it is recommended that you repeat this cycle about 8 times: close your mouth, push your tongue against your teeth, smile, purse your lips and release.

    Eliminating nerves will help you live better

    Today’s lifestyle often leads many people to be in a rush and tense all day. Given this, certain relaxation exercises can be highly recommended. If you think that they are not enough and the discomfort turns into more acute symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a health professional.

    In general, if you do these exercises you will see how it is possible to relieve nerves and tensions in a very simple way, without having to make drastic changes in your routine. Do the test! You have nothing to lose!

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