3 Medicinal Preparations That Help You Fight Allergies

If we want to fight allergies naturally we must resort to remedies with anti-inflammatory properties. In this way, gradually, we can eliminate the annoying symptoms of allergy.

Discover in this article the 3 best medicinal preparations to combat allergies. With ingredients such as sage, rosemary, nettle, licorice, elderberry or clay we will achieve a positive and lasting result. 

Medicinal preparations to combat allergies

When we talk about allergies we refer to a reaction of our body to external agents, which causes an overstimulation of our immune system. However, in all cases it is also a symptom of an accumulation of toxins in our body.

Therefore, the basis of natural treatment should be the purification of these substances, which we will achieve by facilitating the function of the liver and kidneys. In this way we will notice a great improvement in symptoms.

On the other hand, the balance of our intestine is also very important. We will achieve this with a diet rich in fresh and whole foods, plenty of water and probiotic-based supplements to repopulate the intestinal bacterial flora.

1. Infusion of sage, rosemary and nettle

Sage to fight allergies

The first remedy is based on the healing properties of three medicinal plants:

  • Sage: Sage, a very common medicinal plant in ancient remedies for women, helps us fight allergies thanks to its anti-inflammatory power. In addition, it also has relaxing, digestive and balancing properties.
  • Rosemary: According to this study by the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil), rosemary relieves allergy-related inflammation, especially when it affects our eyes (dryness, itching, tearing, etc.). In addition, it favors circulation in general.
  • Nettle: Nettle is a very detoxifying wild plant that facilitates the elimination of toxins. Its antihistamine effect reduces allergic rhinitis and greatly improves our quality of life if we take it frequently. This is stated in this research carried out by the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Iran) .

    We can prepare a medicinal infusion with these three plants and take it daily, always outside of meals to be effective. We recommend combining it and alternating it with the other two healing remedies that we propose in this article.

    2. Elderflower and licorice

    Elderflower to combat allergies

    Another very effective antiallergic infusion is that of elderflower and licorice:

    • Elderflower: This flower combats some common symptoms of allergies, such as itching, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough and redness. This research carried out by the Center for Toxicology and Biomedicine of Cuba emphasizes its use in feverish states associated, for example, with the flu.
    • Licorice: This is suggested by this study carried out by the University of Bonn (Germany). This remedy, with a sweet and intense flavor, is one of the best natural antihistamines, both topically and orally. In fact, an ancient treatment consists of preparing a liquorice bath as a natural cortisone. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect thanks to its main component, glycyrrhizin. In addition, it has the virtue of softening the respiratory mucosa and promoting the elimination of toxins from the body.

      Note: Hypertensive people should be aware that licorice can increase blood pressure. For this reason, they should consult their doctor or take other remedies to combat allergies naturally.

      3. Clay water?

      Clay water is an old and simple remedy that is believed to help us eliminate toxins from our body and, at the same time, fight allergies. However, the evidence in this regard is not yet relevant enough to support its use.

      When taking clay we must make sure that it is suitable for consumption, since not all are. The most common clay for this purpose is white. In this way we ensure that it is free of heavy metals and other toxic substances.

      How do we drink clay water?


      • 1 teaspoon of powdered white clay (3 g)
      • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


      • Dissolve the powdered white clay in half a glass of water.
      • It is important not to use metal or plastic utensils, but rather glass, ceramic or wood.
      • Let it rest for 10 minutes.
      • Drink the preparation every day on an empty stomach.
      • If we suffer from high blood pressure, we will avoid drinking the grounds: we will only drink the water.
      • Take every day for at least a month. We can pause and repeat the treatment after a few weeks.

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