3 Yoga Poses To Relieve Cervical Tension

The poses and stretches performed in yoga can help reduce stiffness and tension in the cervical area. In addition, they strengthen the muscles and can prevent ailments.

Yoga brings together a series of postures that allow to stretch and relax this part of the body. Although there are many factors that can trigger the ailment, in general, these stretches are beneficial in accelerating relief and decreasing cervical tension.

Best of all, they are a great complement to correct postural errors that sometimes trigger tension. In addition, they stimulate blood circulation and help improve the oxygenation of the muscles to avoid those states of rigidity due to stress or overexertion.

Are you suffering from neck pain? Do you feel knots in the neck area? You won’t always have to take pain relievers or muscle relaxants to counteract this. Below are 3 yoga postures that can be performed as therapy against this type of discomfort are shared.

Why is it good to practice yoga to relieve cervical tension?

Some yoga poses can lessen those sometimes disabling muscle spasms or contractions. Although, some have not verified the effects of this discipline, it is a rehabilitation practice with many benefits for the physical and mental state.

However, it has been proven through a study carried out at the University of Lleida that mindfulness linked to physiotherapy helps to counteract cervical pressure. Additionally, this decreases pain intensity, increases range of motion, and improves quality of life.

Due to the movements involved in doing yoga, it can also increase the energy level and flexibility of the joints. Similarly, it promotes weight loss and improves blood flow for optimal maintenance of all body functions.

In relation to the cervical area, practicing yoga can serve as therapy for pain and stiffness caused by stress and work. If deep breathing techniques and emotional stability are included, it will be ideal to minimize any tension in this area.

Yoga exercises to relieve cervical tension

Yoga has been the subject of research, as it is a practice that helps alleviate many conditions and reduce episodes of stress and anxiety. In addition, it is known that worries are the main triggers of ailments such as neck pain, low back pain, among others.

In a study carried out at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, it was explained that the application of yoga as a complementary therapy in health may be recommended. You do not need to be an expert to perform these poses.

While some concentration and stamina are required, they are generally easy poses that can increase flexibility and strength. Here are 3 simple poses recommended to lower cervical pressure.

1. Cat pose

Cat position for lumbar disc herniation.

The cat or Marjaryasana  is one of the techniques that can favor the relief of the cervicals in case of tension and stiffness. In fact, it is ideal for relaxing the muscles and strengthening the lower back. In addition, it provides mental well-being, since it reduces anxiety and stress.

How to do it?

  • To begin, lean on the floor on your hands and knees.
  • Second, make sure the knees are just below the hips and the wrists are just below the shoulders.
  • Third, this pose involves keeping your spine in a neutral position, with your back straight and your abs tight.
  • Then, as you inhale, arch your back. Let the belly relax and raise the head and tailbone towards the sky.
  • Then, as you exhale, round your spine up and bring your chin to your chest.
  • Finally, you can consistently perform alternating movements and do at least 10 repetitions.

2. Cow face pose

Cow pose helps ease the back

Also known as Gomukhasana, it  is a yoga pose to relieve cervical tension and strengthen the upper body. It is recommended to relax the muscles in the face of stiffness caused by bad posture.

How to do it?

  • First of all, you have to sit in Dandasana , that is, on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your back firm.
  • Second, after adopting this posture, bend the left leg to bring the heel towards the right hip.
  • Similarly, lift the right leg over the left and bring it towards the left hip.
  • Next, try to grab your hands behind your back and stretch your elbows in opposite directions.
  • Then inhale and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Then release the air slowly.
  • Finally, repeat the same posture with the opposite limbs.

3. Twist of the sage

One of the simplest yoga exercises to reduce neck pain is the Bharadvajasana  or sage’s twist. Although it is simpler than the previous ones, it is effective to give more resistance to the cervicals.

How to do it?

  • First, sit on the floor or a chair.
  • Then place your right hand behind your back and your left hand on your right knee.
  • Next, do a deep breathing exercise while twisting to the right side.
  • Finally, return to the starting position and rotate from the opposite side.

Have you already practiced these poses at home? Although they are recommended when you have a lot of tension, the ideal is to perform them regularly as a prevention method. Thus, either at the beginning of the day or in a work pattern, you can dedicate a few minutes to each exercise.

Try it!

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