5 Homemade Solutions To Polish Furniture And Wooden Floors

Surely on more than one occasion you have wondered how to polish furniture and wooden floors. And, despite the fact that there are now furniture and floors made of different materials, wood is still one of the favorites of millions of people around the world.

This elegant and attractive touch that it usually gives to the spaces of the home makes many prefer it over other elements, such as metal, wrought iron, marble or plastic.

However, sometimes you have a hard time keeping it in good condition. What’s more, you notice that, with the passage of time, it cracks, loses its shine or looks totally aged.

The good news is that there are several home solutions that can help you polish it up to give it a fresh, shiny look.

Next, we want to share the most effective ones for you to use in the objects of this material that you can have at home. Take note!

5 homemade solutions to polish furniture and wooden floors

First of all and before we start, we want to clarify that these solutions have been extracted from popular culture, that is, they are remedies that grandmothers probably resorted to when there were not as many specialized cleaning products available as today.

Therefore, their action may not be as powerful or immediate as that of specific items. However, it is not to say that they are not effective. It will simply be necessary to rub more (always being careful not to damage the wood) or longer.

Second, it is important to keep in mind that there are different types of wood, each with its own characteristics. Therefore, although these remedies, in principle, would be valid for anyone, it is advisable to try them before in a small and little visible space of the furniture or floor.

In this way, you will ensure the effectiveness of the product, while checking that it is compatible with your wood and will not damage it. Having said that, let’s get started!

1. Beeswax and white spirit to polish wood

person cleaning

With this natural preparation you can polish all your wooden furniture without leaving patches or alterations in its color. And it is that this has been used for a long time in popular culture to shine.

It is made from beeswax and turpentine. These two ingredients have an oily texture so they can help you leave the surface smooth and radiant.

For its part, white spirit is commonly used for cleaning in construction activities. In addition, some studies indicate that it has repellent properties, so it could help keep the furniture or floor clean for longer.

In this way, the combination of these two components will allow you to keep your furniture and wooden floors polished.


  • ¼ cup of grated beeswax (50 g)
  • ¼ cup of white spirit (62 ml)


  • First, add the grated beeswax to a bowl and then melt it in a double boiler.
  • As it heats up, stir well with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  • When it is already melted, remove it from the heat and then mix it little by little with the turpentine.
  • After obtaining the desired mixture, pour it into a container with a screw cap.
  • Also, optionally, you can add essential oils with aromas to mitigate a little the strong smell of turpentine.

How to use

  • Take the necessary amount and then rub it on the floor or furniture with the help of a microfiber cloth.

2. Olive oil and lemon to polish furniture

For those dull, aged-looking furniture, this olive oil and lemon polish can be a good solution.

According to popular culture, natural fats will help the surface shine. For its part, the lemon has a disinfecting action that would allow them to be very clean.

However, it is advisable not to abuse it and mix it well with the oil, since, being an acid, in excess it could damage the wood.


  • ½ cup of olive oil (167 g)
  • ¼ cup of lemon juice (62 ml)


  • In this case, you can use refined olive oil, as it will not be used for health or aesthetic purposes.
  • Just mix it with the lemon juice and make sure to leave it well blended.

How to use

  • Spray the product on the surface you want to clean and then polish it with the help of a microfiber or cotton cloth.

3. Vaseline

Vaseline is a petroleum derivative whose texture, according to popular belief, makes it possible to leave lacquered furniture that has acquired a matte tone as new.

It is also considered to help repel dust, although there are currently no studies to show that this is true or, if so, how it works.

In addition, it can be combined with a little alcohol to remove all kinds of dirt or traces of accumulated fat. This is due to its more than proven disinfectant properties.

However, it is advisable not to abuse it, since its action is quite strong and could damage the wood in large quantities.


  • 3 tablespoons of Vaseline (45 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of alcohol (20 ml)


  • First, put the petroleum jelly in a container, and then mix it with the alcohol until you get a homogeneous product.

How to use

  • Spread a thin layer of the product on wooden floors or appliances, then rub it in with a clean cloth.

4. Almond oil and white vinegar brightener

This homemade polish is traditionally considered a good alternative to polish damaged wood or wood with difficult to remove stains.

For example, in popular culture it is used as a solution against those marks left by glasses and the loss of shine of lacquer.

And it is believed that vinegar, thanks to its antiseptic action, will help eliminate stains, while oil will polish the wood.

It is very important not to apply undiluted vinegar directly to the wood. Otherwise, the furniture could be damaged. It is also not recommended for use on waxed products.


  • ¾ cup of almond oil (250 g)
  • ¼ cup of white vinegar (62 ml)


  • First, add the almond oil in a bowl, and then mix it with the white vinegar.

How to use

  • Apply the product to the wood and then rub it vigorously with a cloth or rag.

5. Flaxseed oil

linseed oil to polish furniture and wooden floors

A combination of linseed oil with white spirit is believed to also be used to polish furniture and hardwood floors.

In addition, linseed oil, thanks to its nutrients, is considered to have the ability to help protect wood (especially for outdoor furniture).

In fact, a research team from the Andean University of Cusco found that flaxseed oil, among other substances, made it possible to improve the physical properties of wood.

However, we must warn that it should be used in moderation, since its excess can leave the surfaces greasy.


  • ½ cup of flaxseed oil (167 g)
  • ¼ cup of white spirit (62 ml)


  • First, heat the flaxseed oil a little and then mix it with the turpentine until you get a homogeneous product.

How to use

  • Take a couple of tablespoons of the polish and then rub it on the wood with the help of a cloth.

Why polish wood furniture and floors?

You probably have wooden furniture and floors in your house. These offer an elegant look while being cozy at home. However, sometimes you may not know very well how to clean and polish them, especially since there are so many different types of stains.

Therefore, in addition to the specialized products, we leave you these remedies extracted from popular culture that, we hope, will help you when it comes to caring for and polishing your furniture and wooden floors.

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