5 Homemade Tricks To Beautify Your Face

To beautify the face we can resort to some homemade tricks that contribute to skin care. Although there is not much evidence in this regard, it is said that its regular application helps to show off a healthier and more hydrated complexion.

We often look for strategies to beautify our face and complement skin care. At the end of the day, having a smooth and hydrated complexion, and abundant eyelashes, makes those attributes that favor us stand out.

Fortunately, today there are many ways to protect and beautify the skin, even with some masks and natural products. Although preparations of natural origin have not yet been proven with enough studies, they usually include safe ingredients and with interesting effects.

Do not forget to consult the dermatologist about any questions you have regarding the care of your skin. Meanwhile, you can support yourself with various beauty tricks that you can do with products that you have at your fingertips. Go ahead and try them!

1. Rosemary to take care of the skin

This native Mediterranean herb is not only used as a culinary condiment, but also to make body perfumes, and for consumption for its potential health benefits.

In addition, according to a Food & Nutrition Research publication , extracts of rosemary, combined with grapefruit, showed photoprotective and anti-aging effects, which could make it a good ally when it comes to improving the appearance of the skin.

Rosemary water to beautify the complexion

How to apply it?

  • Pick the fresh rosemary directly and marinate it in apple cider vinegar for at least 15 days. Afterwards, you must strain the mixture and add the same amount of water.
  • Add 15 drops of the mixture and 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil, in 50 ml of water.
  • Shake it up and apply it to the face with a spray bottle or a damp cotton ball.
  • Apply the rosemary water daily a couple of times, when you wake up and before going to bed. Remember to apply this mixture before your face cream.

2. Highlight the tabs

Abundant eyelashes totally change the expression of our gaze and give the eyes greater prominence, even when they are not made up.

Although there is no scientific evidence to show that castor oil can help you achieve thicker and fuller lashes, it is said in popular culture that it could be helpful when used consistently. You can apply it on the eyelashes every night, before going to bed.

The most practical way to do this is to use an old mascara container or some kind of brush. Be careful not to put too much of it, this way you will prevent it from reaching your eyes and irritating them.

3. Take care of the eye contour

Aging is a natural process in humans and, as the years go by, the skin can begin to show spots, wrinkles and dryness, among other signs.

One of the first signs are wrinkles around the eyes and lips. According to a publication by Dr. Neil , the skin around the eyes is very delicate and over time becomes thinner, which causes external factors, such as smoking and prolonged exposure to the sun, have a greater incidence in this condition with over the years.

To take care of this part of the face you can follow these tips:

  • Drink water. When the body is not well hydrated, the skin can lose elasticity and appear drier.
  • Take care of your skin when removing makeup. Although it is necessary to remove make-up every night, take special care with the skin of your eyes so as not to hurt it.
  • Use sunscreen. Sun exposure can accentuate dark circles and cause skin to dry out.
  • Sleep and eat well. A good routine of rest and physical activity, accompanied by a balanced diet, can make your skin look healthier.

4. Hydrated skin

One of the main functions of the skin is to protect the body from its environment, not only against external factors but also against the loss of water. Therefore, it is important to keep it hydrated.

Here are some ideas that you can include in your daily routine. Although you can use conventional moisturizing products, you can also opt for other options that will also help you beautify your face.

Rosehip oil

This species of the rose family has been used since ancient times as an adjuvant for the treatment of some diseases.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences , skin aging is due to two factors: chronic aging associated with time and so-called photoaging, caused by exposure to UV rays.

The combination of these conditions causes the skin barrier to lose functionality, resulting in the appearance of dryness, wrinkles and spots.

For its part, the moisturizing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of rosehip could help reduce these signs of skin aging.

Rosehip oil

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil has been used in popular culture as a natural remedy to combat acne, dryness, and various skin conditions. This is why many people use it as part of their skincare routine.

According to another study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences , due to its components, the use of this oil could be useful to improve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, eczematous dermatitis and acne.

On the other hand, its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect has interesting uses when it comes to counteracting the effect of various infections and skin aging.

Coconut oil with aloe vera

The aloe vera plant has been known and used for centuries as an adjunct to health and skin care. According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology , it appears that this plant can help stimulate the production of collagen, which helps the skin have an elasticity effect and does not look wrinkled.

In addition, due to their amino acid and zinc content, they could be useful to care for skin cells and improve their appearance.

5. Reduce dark circles

The annoying shadows that appear under the eyes are a very common condition that affects both men and women, and can be due to different causes such as fatigue, constant rubbing of the eyes, heredity and sun exposure, among others.

Although there is no natural remedy to make them disappear, a publication from the Mayo Clinic suggests that there are several alternatives to reduce the appearance of mild to moderate dark circles with these home remedies:

  • Cold. The use of cold to reduce dark circles is one of the most used techniques in popular culture. It consists of putting cold compresses, gel packs, or ice wrapped in a soft cloth, over the eyes to activate circulation and constrict blood vessels.
  • Elevate your head at bedtime. To reduce fluid build-up and swelling in the lower eyelids, try keeping the head area slightly higher than the rest of the body.
  • Sleep well. According to a study by the Sleep Research Society , lack of sleep can contribute to red and puffy eyes, darker circles under the eyes, pale skin, and more wrinkles.

What else can you do to beautify your face?

In addition to those mentioned, there are several options to have a healthy and beautiful face. Go ahead and try them!

  • Have a daily skincare routine. Cleaning the impurities accumulated during the day, using facial creams according to your skin type and what you want to achieve, and using sunscreen are part of a good daily routine.
  • Research what products can irritate your skin. Lemon, baking soda and toothpaste, among others, are products that could be very harsh on the skin.
  • Masks with natural products. There are several natural ingredients such as honey, avocado, banana, and cucumber that have been popularly used in skin care masks. Although there is no evidence on their effectiveness, in general they are safe and could be interesting when it comes to beautifying the face.

Consult the dermatologist to beautify your face

Although the advice we give you can help when it comes to caring for your skin, it is important that you consult with your dermatologist to learn about other measures that can contribute to its beautification and proper care. In addition, he will be able to determine if your face is healthy or if it requires specific treatments.

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