5 Tips To Hide The Lack Of Hair

Hair loss is one of the most common hair problems in both men and women. It is a cause for concern that, in addition to affecting aesthetics, can also be an indicator that something may not be right at the level of our body.

While they manage to reduce the fall, there are some who seek one way or another to hide it so that it does not affect their appearance. Do you want to know some tricks ?. In the following lines we offer some tips.

Stop hair loss

Stopping the loss from one moment to the next and making new hair appear is almost impossible. Care and treatments are required to deal with this problem and thus improve the health of the scalp.

The truth is that some people who suffer from hair loss are in constant search of treating it. A healthy and abundant mane is known to be part of physical attractiveness. However, we can also look for some solutions to hide it.

Tips to hide thinning hair

1. Cut and style

Tips to hide thinning hair

People with long hair and tend to have hair loss problems, they should consider changing their look . They can opt for a short or medium length, since the shorter the hair, the easier it is to give it a more voluminous effect. There is also less chance that it will continue to fall.

Long hair has more weight and, therefore, will tend to fall out more easily. The so-called garçon style is one of the most recommended if you have this problem of falling. It is aesthetic and is easy and comfortable to wear.

2. Hairstyle

Without a doubt, the hairstyle plays a decisive role in disguising the lack of hair. Through this you can give it an effect of more volume and fix it in such a way that it covers the spaces that lack hair.

One of the tricks is to thoroughly hollow out the roots at the top of the head. We must comb the hair upside down and, instead of making the parting part in the middle, make it on one side.

If what you are looking for is a more sophisticated type of hairstyle, you can resort to the classic high collected or carded ones. But if you are more creative you can use clips, headbands and other accessories to place the strands of hair where you consider it is most convenient.

3. Color

Tips to hide thinning hair

Dyes with harsh chemical compounds that can worsen the hair loss problem and cause serious damage to the health of the hair and scalp as well. However, there are some dyes with healthy hair compounds.  These are ideal for changing the tone when you think it is the most convenient.

As a general rule, dark tones such as brown and black tend to make the problem of lack of hair more evident. The ideal in these cases is a tone-on-tone coloring, that is, those that play with the volume and irregular shapes of the hair.

In this sense, the most recommended colors include the entire blonde line and the highlights in these same tones.

4. Extensions

This trick is one of the most used by women who have little hair.  It can be said that it is the fastest and most effective way to show off a thick mane when you do not have a natural one.

The problem with extensions is that they are almost always noticeable or require coloring to achieve a single tone with all hair. The best way to take advantage of them is knowing how to use them, put them properly and play with them to create different hairstyles.

Treatment to reduce hair loss

Coconut oil for thinning hair

The fact of managing to hide the lack of hair does not mean that treatments to nourish and reduce hair loss should be forgotten. There are some products on the market for this purpose and they can be purchased at different prices depending on the brand and quality.

However, there are natural solutions as well. Next, we are going to share an anti-hair loss treatment:


  • 3 tablespoons of almond oil (45 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of castor oil (10 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil (15 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil (5 ml)
  • 3 capsules of vitamin E

How to prepare it?

  • First, you must mix the almond oil with the castor and coconut oil, until they are completely integrated.
  • Then, add the lavender essential oil and the content of the three vitamin E capsules.
  • When you have the concentration of oils ready, you should pour it into a glass jar and place it in a cool, dry place.

    How to use

    • Take some of the oil mixture. Apply it all over the scalp using gentle massages with the fingertips.
    • Make sure you do it every day, before you go to sleep, and let it work overnight.
    • It is recommended to do it for 12 or 15 days and then have rest periods of 7 or 8 days to repeat again.

    It is important to remember that in extreme cases where we observe that hair loss is very abundant or that some of these tips is no longer offering the results we are looking for, then go to a specialist in the area and advise us on other alternatives that could also provide us positive results.

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