6 Nursery Rhymes To Teach Your Child To Calculate

Teaching your child to calculate doesn’t have to be a boring task. Neither drab or old-fashioned. On the contrary, you can use the most varied methods to educate about numbers. Therefore, we present you 6 nursery rhymes for your child to learn to count.

The songs are musical compositions that have positive aspects. One of them is that they are an ideal medium to learn and even to memorize knowledge. Many of the children’s songs can be used to teach your child to calculate, as evidenced by this work carried out by professionals from the University of Extremadura. The idea is that the little one acquires this knowledge more easily and quickly.

Mathematics is a complicated science for many people. Some children dislike having to study and learn them. For them, everything that has to do with numbers is very difficult and boring.

However, teaching math doesn’t have to be a bad experience. You can teach your child to calculate in a fun and original way. As a parent, it is your duty to find that way in which your child enjoys the learnings you provide about adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.

Why is it important to teach your child to calculate?

Boy and mom with abacus doing activities to teach their child to calculate.

Calculating is one of the activities that the human being performs the most throughout his life. Since he has consciousness and, as he grows, man has to associate things, elements, numbers … Counting is definitely part of his life. Therefore, it is necessary that you teach your child this practice from a young age using various methods.

If a child learns to calculate, he will be able to do well in school and subjects such as mathematics would not be so much of a problem. In addition, you will more easily understand the operations and exercises that are explained to you in school. In this process, songs are good strategies to teach your child to calculate.

Nursery rhymes to teach your child to calculate

There are many useful nursery rhymes to teach your child to calculate. However, here we present you the six best melodies. They are the easiest and your child will enjoy learning them. You, on the other hand, will be happy to see how your little one masters the calculation to perfection.

Surely, you already know many of these letters. And, if not, you can memorize them and then sing them with your child. All you have to do is indulge in fun and songs. Your child will also appreciate that you dedicate part of your time to share activities of this type with him. To sing it has been said!

1. The Turuleca hen

“The Turuleca hen has laid one egg, has laid two, has laid three. The Turuleca hen has put four, has put five, has put six. The Turuleca hen has put seven, has put eight, has put nine. Where is that little chicken? Let her put ten, “ says the lyrics of this catchy song, which  is one of the best known in some countries.

This melody is one of the most classic. It tells the story of a crazy chicken that belongs to a neighbor of the singer. Through La gallina Turuleca , you can teach your child the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10 without any problem. This song is very common at children’s parties, so when your child attends one, they can practice it.

2. The ten little dogs

girl singing with her mother to teach her to calculate.

With this song, your child can learn the numbers from 1 to 10, one of the basic lessons to learn to calculate. This song is very funny and its main character is man’s best friend: the dog. Therefore, your child will be enchanted to the rhythm of this melody.

“I had ten puppies, I had ten puppies. One got lost in the snow, I have only nine left ” , is part of the song’s lyrics. It is ideal for learning to subtract. The music begins with ten dogs, which are subtracted as the melody progresses until there are none left.

3. Una, dola, cloth, catola

“One, dola, cloth, catola, quila, quilete, the queen was in her cabinet. Gil came, he turned off the lamp, lamp, lamp, he counts the twenty that the twenty are ” , is what the lyrics of this song express. It is a melody that is, at the same time, a kind of tongue twister . The composition is perfect for learning the numbers from 1 to 20.

The idea is that, once your child has sung it, he can count to 20. You can also sing and practice this melody in a group. You can invent a game through it, find different participants and assign a number to each player.

4. The doll dressed in blue

The doll dressed in blue is one of the most classic children’s songs. Many people know it and sing it as soon as they hear it. We bet that you are no exception. Your child will love this music that will teach him notions of addition.

“Two plus two is four. Four and two are six. Six plus two is eight and eight sixteen, ” the song reads. The lyrics tell of a doll dressed in blue who has white shoes and a tulle apron. Her owner takes her out for a walk, but she gets constipated. She goes to the doctor and he recommends giving her syrup with a fork. Very funny story!

5. An elephant was swinging

Another of the best known melodies is that of the elephant that swayed. Surely you have heard and sung it. Now it’s about you teaching it to your child. This song is ideal to start counting from number 1 to infinity. At the same time, you will have fun testing the resistance of the famous spider web.

“An elephant was balancing on a spider’s web. As he could see that he was resisting, he went to call another elephant. Two elephants were balancing on a spider’s web. As they saw that he was resisting, they went to call another elephant, “says the lyrics. This song is very entertaining. Your child will not only learn to count, but to exercise memory.

6. One kilometer on foot

“I have already done a kilometer on foot, I have already done. One kilometer on foot I already did with my feet, one, two, three … Two kilometers on foot, I already did, I already did. Two kilometers on foot I have already done with my feet, one, two, three… ” , indicates the lyrics of this melody. This song is great so that little by little you add more numbers. Your son will not be able to stop singing it no matter how much he wants.

It is a composition that also teaches about distances. Not only will you be able to explain numbers to your child, but it will also be ideal to arouse their curiosity, mainly about measurements, such as meters or kilometers. This song could be taught very well even with a choreography.

To teach your child to calculate …

Boy plays guitar with his mother

Teaching your child to calculate can be a difficult task, especially if you do not know or use ideal means. Songs are a very useful method for you, as a parent, to fulfill this mission. You must not forget that children like creativity and playfulness.

You can also combine nursery rhymes with other strategies to teach your little one about math and numbers. Games are another great alternative. The fundamental thing is that you let your imagination fly and get actively involved in the training of your little one, even if you have to sing with him.

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