6 Reasons Why Eating Salmon Improves Your Health

Eating salmon generally has great benefits for the body, since it is one of the healthiest and most delicious varieties of fish that we can find. It is an important source of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals that play a vital role in health care.

At present it is one of the most recommended by nutritionists, since its composition makes it perfect for all types of diets. It is also one of the best ways to consume lean fats. Best of all, it is very versatile when cooking and can be enjoyed in many recipes combined with spices and other ingredients.

Why eat salmon?

Many people still do not know how healthy it can be to eat this food at least twice a week. For this reason, below we are going to share the 6 reasons why you should start eating salmon.

1. Improves cardiovascular health

Eating salmon can prevent cardiovascular disease.

One of the main benefits of salmon is that it is high in omega 3 fatty acids. 

This nutrient has been shown to protect the health of the heart and cardiovascular system, as it helps eliminate lipids that accumulate in blood vessels, in addition to repairing tissues and regulating blood pressure.

Consuming it on a regular basis can prevent arterial hardening. This is one of the disorders that causes the most heart attacks and strokes.

2. Reduces inflammation

There are many factors that can increase the body’s inflammatory response and lead to various diseases.

Thanks to the significant contribution of omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant compounds,  salmon also controls this inflammatory process. This is stated by a study published in Biochemical Society Transactions.

As many know, inflammation can become a symptom of serious disorders like diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease.

Eating at least two servings of this fish a week could help reduce joint pain. At the same time, it encourages the production of tissues in cartilage.

3. Protects the bones

Another outstanding nutrient in salmon is calcium. This mineral, along with calcitonin, helps maintain healthy bones to prevent bone disease and weakening.

This property makes it ideal for women in the menopausal stage. At this stage of life, estrogen levels decrease, increasing the risk of osteoporosis due to loss of bone density.

4. Helps to lose weight

Eating salmon allows you to lose weight.

Due to its high content of essential nutrients, it is not surprising that it is considered as a good support for the diets of those who are looking to lose weight. It contains proteins and fats that contribute to the formation of muscle mass, while eliminating excess fat.

In addition, 100 grams provide only 208 calories.  Not only that, but it gives you a feeling of satiety to avoid excessive calorie intake.

5. Improves brain function

Antioxidants and a high supply of omega 3 fatty acids, such as DHA,  help boost brain activity. This allows you to think more clearly and prevent cognitive decline.

Its intake helps improve mood and decreases the secretion of stress hormones to improve mental performance.

On the other hand, there is evidence that omega 3 could prevent cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Also, people who eat it frequently are less likely to experience bouts of depression.

6. Improves the quality of sleep

Those who have difficulty sleeping or sleep disturbances can also benefit significantly by including more salmon in their diets. This food contains tryptophan, a substance with a sedative effect that helps you sleep better and without interruptions.

Salmon contraindications

Although this variety of fish has many benefits, there are some cases in which it is better not to eat salmon  because it could be counterproductive:

  • If it is salty, smoked or frozen, its sodium content increases. In this way, it  could be harmful for people with hypertension or fluid retention.
  • It is also not advisable to include it in cases of biliary diet due to some problem of digestion or absorption of fats since,  although they are healthy, they are still fats.
  • Of course, those with allergies or intolerances to fish should avoid it completely.
  • Likewise, if you have high uric acid levels, it is better to control your intake. The purines inside make the problem worse.

Include salmon in the usual diet

So, except for special cases, it is good to start eating salmon more often. Accompanied by a healthy eating plan, it can contribute to improving the quality of life in many aspects. It is one of the healthiest fish.

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