6 Signs That You Have Difficulty Controlling Your Bladder

For every woman the feeling of wanting to go to the bathroom urgently is very uncomfortable . We cannot deny that most of us have had to go through that. Especially when we have ingested a lot of liquid and we do not have a bathroom nearby.

However, when it starts to hit very frequently, it could become a sign of bladder control difficulties. Or the disease known as urinary incontinence.

However, in addition to the frequent desire to urinate, there are other signs that point to this health problem. It is very important to know how to identify them since, if not controlled, it can affect the quality of life over time.

The goal of this article is to help identify a disease that affects one in four women. Especially in adulthood and after menopause. Get informed!

What are the causes of urinary incontinence?

urinary incontinence

Most women with urinary incontinence have weakened pelvic floor muscles. This has led to those pesky leaks.

These muscles are responsible for keeping the urethra closed until it is ordered to open to urinate. After losing its elasticity, activities as simple as sneezing or exercising can cause some type of loss.

The main causes of such weakening are pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.  However, they also include:

  • Overweight or obese
  • History of cerebral infarction.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dementia.
  • Infections in the urinary system.
  • Neurological damage (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, among others).
  • Excessive consumption of certain medications.

The symptoms that alert this condition can be identified very easily. The reason is that as the days go by, the symptoms become more noticeable.

Experiencing one or more of these signs should be a reason for medical consultation to rule out major problems.

You feel like urinating frequently

Going to the bathroom several times a day is common when you drink a lot of fluids or eat foods with diuretic properties.

However, if this desire is more frequent than normal and occurs even without drinking water, it is very likely that you are facing a case of urinary incontinence.

Why does this occur? It is common when the bladder muscles fail to relax properly to store urine.

Burning sensation when urinating

Patients who have been diagnosed with urinary incontinence often report mild pain or burning when urinating.

But beware! That does not mean that that is necessarily the reason. Often, those who have this symptom are because they are experiencing some type of urinary tract infection.

It is difficult to hold urine when coughing or sneezing

These urine leaks when coughing, sneezing or doing activities such as jumping, climbing stairs, among others, are one of the first symptoms of serious difficulties in controlling the bladder.  Specifically stress incontinence, one of the two most common classes.

Not reaching to the bathroom

In the last few days do you have to run to get to the bathroom? Feel like you can’t hold on a little longer? If you can’t get to the toilet and your urine leaks, it’s because something is happening with your bladder. In these types of cases, some therapies and exercises of the pelvic muscles can be done to put control.

You have involuntary leaks

You have involuntary leaks

Do you feel that your urine is escaping without any effort? That this happens to you and that you suddenly start to feel its strong smell in your underwear is an indication of this difficulty.

In these cases there could be a leak because the rings of the muscles that are responsible for keeping the bladder closed have weakened.

Your sleep is frequently interrupted

Not being able to control the bladder normally can cause sleep disturbances due to the annoying need to get up to urinate every so often.

If you have to go to the bathroom four or more times during the night, it is best to consult your doctor to receive a proper diagnosis.

How to deal with urinary incontinence?


It is easy for no woman to deal with a problem like urinary incontinence because it involves some noticeable changes.

Most are always concerned about having a bathroom nearby and about the smell and stains it often causes on their underwear.

The good news is that all this can be addressed with some changes in lifestyle and the use of appropriate protectors.

  • Perform exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles.
  • Improve nutrition.
  • Use compresses or feminine protectors depending on the need.
  • If your urine leaks are greater, consider using adult diapers.
  • In more extreme measures you can also resort to medication or surgery.

Now we know what this disease consists of, what its symptoms are, its possible origin and its treatment. Remember that if you present some of the signs that we have mentioned it is advisable that you go to your doctor.

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