6 Tips To Have Big And Round Buttocks

Can we improve the appearance of our buttocks? Although genetics have a lot to do with their shape, there are some habits that allow us to tone them and give them a more aesthetic appearance. Discover them!

Is it possible to have big and round buttocks? Answering this question can be somewhat complex. It should be clear that the actual shape of the gluteal muscles is determined by genetics. Because of this, its shape is inherent and unique to each of us.

Therefore, when we train the gluteal muscles, as with other muscle groups, they will become stronger and grow; however, its shape will not change. That is, if we have a round or flat butt, we can strengthen the muscular part without changing its shape.

Now, what we can do, in addition to increasing its size, is to improve its appearance. In this sense, we find a series of habits and cares that help reduce the presence of aesthetic problems such as cellulite. Are you interested? Let’s see the details below.

1. Tone the different gluteal muscles

Almost all of us know of an exercise that has been recommended to us to strengthen and enlarge the buttocks. However, when talking about this area we must take into account the three main muscles: the major, the middle and the minor.

For this reason it is important that, when developing a toning exercise routine, we perform those that include all three types of muscles. We must practice toning exercises at least three times a week. 

According to information published in the National Health Service (NHS) the recommended ones are the following:

  • Squats
  • Lateral leg raises.
  • Bridge or hip lift.
  • Kick back.
  • Lunges.
Tone the different gluteal muscles

2. Do stretching exercises

Just as important as toning exercises are stretching before and after exercise. This combination of muscle contraction and relaxation helps us avoid muscle tension in this and other parts of the body.

And, as explained by Dr. Adam Tenforde, assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School, stretching improves flexibility and increases range of motion. Therefore, they are decisive to complement any routine.

3. Increase your protein intake

To gain muscle you have to consume enough protein. As highlighted by research published in the journal Nutrients , optimal protein consumption is positively associated with an increase in muscle mass. In addition, it also affects greater physical resistance during exercise.

To include protein rations in meals we have options such as the following:

  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Egg.
  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts and seeds.

There are other foods, such as whole grains or avocados, that also contain significant amounts of healthy protein. Whenever we eat protein, especially if it is meat or fish, we will preferably accompany it with vegetables (juices, salads, steamed vegetables, etc.).

3. Increase your protein intake

4. Increase the consumption of healthy fats

In addition to protein, if we want to increase the volume of the buttocks we must also consume fat. However, it must be borne in mind that not all fats are the same or fulfill the same function in our body.

The fats we need are those that have been listed as healthy fats. The consumption of these fats also affects the metabolism, so it can even help us lose weight.

To get this nutrient, eat foods like the following:

  • First cold pressing vegetable oils: olive, coconut, sesame, flax, wheat germ, evening primrose.
  • Ghee (clarified butter).
  • Avocado.
  • Olives
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Yolk.
  • Blue Fish.

5. Moisturize the skin every day

If we want to improve the appearance of the buttocks, we must guarantee adequate hydration to the skin that covers them. While this will not make them grow or change their shape, it will help to firm them up and prevent problems such as stretch marks and cellulite.

Of course, don’t expect miraculous results from hydration. It is simply a habit that, applied every day, will help us maintain the aesthetic appearance of the buttocks.

  • Moisturizing creams with essential and vegetable oils (almond, avocado, argan, jojoba, etc.) are an interesting option.
  • It is convenient to apply them with a circular massage. Likewise, it can also be massaged vertically, from the feet to the waist.
Moisturize the skin every day

6. Test the suction cups

There is little evidence to support the health benefits of cupping. However, a study published in the journal PLoS One indicates that it could be useful for some ailments. Now, regarding its benefits to improve the aesthetics of the buttocks, there are only anecdotal data.

According to those who have tried this technique to massage the buttocks, its constant application helps reduce cellulite while increasing volume and firmness. However, there is no evidence as such of this fact.

  • In any case, if we want to try this method, we must make sure to go to an expert.

Big and round buttocks: what should be clear?

There is no miracle formula that can help us enlarge our buttocks overnight. Also, even if we want to have them round, it all depends on our genetics. So, if we want to increase muscle mass and give them a better appearance, we must be constant with diet, exercise and the practice of healthy habits.

In general, the best way to achieve good results is to seek professional advice from both physical trainers and nutritionists. These, together, can guide us on the best exercises and the best diet to achieve our goal.

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