7 Benefits That Creativity Brings To Your Life

Unleashing creativity is an effective way to help you grow as a person, as well as being related to a better state of mind. Discover all its benefits below.

Creativity is a faculty that all human beings have to a lesser or greater extent. This word is a concept that encompasses a multitude of meanings, but these are basically summarized in a different, peculiar and subjective way that the individual has to analyze and elaborate situations. It can also be understood as a set of objective and tangible results of the actions of a person considered creative.

There is a belief that each hemisphere of the brain is associated with a certain type of abilities, dispositions and tasks. There are those who consider that the right hemisphere governs creative thinking, while the left governs “rational”. Depending on how the hemispheres are “worked”, a person may have more or less creative potential.

Hence in part the assumption that there are people more creative than others. Now, although this is widespread, it is not entirely true. In reality, the question of whether a person is creative (or not) because he has more or less developed a hemisphere is a myth.

Continuing with this idea,   it is advisable to stimulate creativity from the earliest stages of life. By doing so, it could be conserved (and used) later in adulthood. It is not only possible, but desirable, to take advantage of creativity at any stage of life.

7 benefits that creativity brings to your life

1. It can help improve self-esteem

Enhancing creativity is one of the best ways to grow as a person and to trust yourself. It can also involve the possibility of finding  solutions for many of the problems that arise every day.

This is undoubtedly a way to move towards success. Testing yourself is a source of personal enrichment, which can lead to a significant increase in self-esteem.

2. Creativity modulates the stress response

Creativity is a powerful therapeutic tool that can be helpful in modulating the stress response. This is explained by research such as the one published in 2019 in the Academy of Management Perspectives magazine . In it, the researchers explain how creativity can allow one to respond flexibly to stress.

3. Develop communication

This point especially benefits children. Many of them have difficulties expressing their emotions; some, in fact, do it with inappropriate attitudes.

Creativity can help ideas flow through activities that are fun for them. Thus, infants gradually develop resources to communicate their feelings. Without a doubt, this is a factor that makes it easier for them to get closer to other people.

4. Improve interpersonal relationships

Creativity not only directly influences the personality of each one. It also allows qualities to emerge that can be potentially appreciated by other people.

To the same extent, it allows the individual who puts it into practice to integrate much more satisfactorily into their social environment.

5. It could increase the ability to adapt to the environment

Enhancing this quality is a way of learning to live with what externally conditions your life. That is, with what you do not have the ability to control.

Creativity is an optimal way to adapt to changes taking place in the environment. Above all, those that are already given and that, for that same reason, affect fully.

Creativity helps the individual to find alternatives for situations that involve some type of conflict. This entails the development of better adaptation strategies to the environment.

6. Helps to get out of the routine

To get out of the routine, it is not always necessary to travel. Undertaking creative projects is very easy. Your home, for example, is a potential laboratory for some small personal investigations.

In it, you can find, with total security, the instruments, the raw materials and the material conditions necessary to test possible solutions to problems that arise every day. Most of the time, improving these problems could improve your quality of life.

What’s more, just trying to solve them awakens motivation, a precondition for reaching those rare moments of self-satisfaction that are commonly called “happiness”.

7. Makes you feel useful

Girl in a living room with grunge decor elements

The simple act of starting a creative project, no matter how simple its task, already makes you feel useful. Now, if the result manages to benefit others, then the satisfaction will be even greater.

The human being needs to feel useful to love himself.  In the same way, it is probably one of the most effective ways to earn the respect and affection of others.

Creativity improves quality of life

Creativity can help answer certain unknowns, as well as solve many problems of various kinds and magnitude. Therefore, it helps to stay active and continue to grow as people.

Dare to experiment with those things that pique your interest, it could be an excellent way to get to know yourself better and open your mind to new ideas and opportunities.

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