7 Tricks To Remove Candle Wax Stains

Although it is not usual, sometimes our clothes get stained when we handle candles. Either by carelessness or by accident, this substance penetrates deeply into the tissues and causes an alteration that makes us think that we will never be able to remove those wax stains.

However, there are several homemade techniques that we can put into practice to remove this type of stain without using abrasive substances. Here are some great tricks to keep wax from sticking to fabric. Take note!

How to remove wax stains

1. Act as soon as possible

Woman cleaning her shirt

So that the particles do not have enough time to adhere to the fabrics of your clothes, try to clean the wax stains as soon as possible. The longer it takes to work, the more difficult it will be to remove since the wax tends to stick more and more.

However, keep in mind that the wax should not be liquid but as hardened as possible. If you discovered it in time, wait for a few minutes for it to solidify.

2. Rub ice cubes

When the wax is solid on the garment, rub it with a plastic bag filled with ice and remove the excess with the help of a spatula or knife. You must ensure that the edge of the item you are going to use is not very sharp because it could break the fabric.

3. Apply heat with the iron to remove wax stains

Iron to remove wax stains

After removing the surface wax, place a moistened sheet of absorbent paper on both sides of the stained fabric. Next, put the iron on medium heat and put it on the garment so that the wax particles evaporate and absorb into the paper. To finish, rinse as usual.

4. Use rubbing alcohol

If the previous tricks weren’t enough to remove all of the stain, take advantage of the properties of rubbing alcohol. Apply a small amount to the stain, let it sit half now, and use a brush to remove excess wax. Finally, rinse with plenty of warm water and use a scented soap to remove the annoying alcohol scent.

5. Methyl alcohol against wax stains

Methyl alcohol is recommended for removing colored wax stains. In this case, it is also convenient to remove the solid wax with a knife. But for no reason should heat be applied with the iron because it can fade the garment. Apply the alcohol on the affected area, let it act for a couple of minutes and rub it with a brush until the dye disappears.

6. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, better known as hydrogen peroxide, is another ingredient that can be used to remove colored or non-colored wax. As long as it is used in a moderate way, it is a good option to clean without subjecting the fabrics to aggressive products. However, you must bear in mind that it is not suitable for all types of fabrics as it can discolor some of them.

7. Baking soda

Bowl with baking soda

In some cases, wax spills leave an oily residue that makes affected clothing look unsightly. If this happens to you, try the following trick with baking soda:

  • Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the grease-stained area of ​​the candle.
  • Let it sit for a couple of hours and scrub it with a brush or towel.
  • Rinse as usual and repeat if necessary.

Visit this article: 7 ways to use baking soda as a natural remedy

Beware of delicate garments

If the wax stains delicate fabrics, it is best to take them to the dry cleaner before trying any of the tricks mentioned. While some may work, it is best to make sure that they are not harmful to the fabric. A good option is to use a similar fabric or an inconspicuous part of the same garment for testing.

If you take all these tips into account and act as soon as possible, you can give those clothes that you think are damaged another chance. After removing the wax stains, wash the clothes with the usual detergent.

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