8 Silent Diseases: How To Recognize Them?

Silent diseases are those that hardly produce symptoms and that can go unnoticed. In some cases, the signs that do appear are very general.

The problem is that most of these silent diseases, as time progresses, develop serious complications. Also, since people do not feel sick, they tend to stop or not even start treatment.

This is because medications can have side effects. However, it is essential to diagnose and treat them early to avoid their consequences. Therefore, we explain which are the most frequent.

1. Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs because the body cannot make enough insulin or use it correctly. Insulin is the key that allows glucose to enter the cells of the body.

According to the World Health Organization, in 2014 there were 422 million adults worldwide with this pathology. In general, it is said that there are two types: 1 and 2. However, it is also important to highlight gestational diabetes (it appears during pregnancy).

Type 1 diabetes is one in which the pancreas cannot produce insulin. It usually occurs in young people. Although this pathology is considered one of the most frequent silent diseases, it does tend to develop symptoms. For example, there may be a feeling of thirst, more urge to urinate, and tiredness.

Type 2 is the most common. It occurs when tissues are resistant to the action of insulin. It is related to obesity and its incidence is increasing. This one does usually go unnoticed.

Diabetes is one of the silent diseases with the most complications. It can lead to blindness, cardiovascular problems, kidney and nerve disorders.

To diagnose it, it is enough to measure blood sugar levels. At present there are numerous types of treatments that improve this pathology and avoid its complications. However, it is essential that it is diagnosed on time.

Diabetic undergoes treatment of his silent disease.

2. Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a disease that consists of inflammation of the liver. Most of the cases are caused by the family of hepatitis viruses. Within this group we find types A, B, C, D and E. However, it can also be related to alcohol, autoimmune diseases and drugs.

According to the German Hospital specialists, as it does not produce symptoms, it is underdiagnosed. The problem is that it can become chronic. In the long run, the damage to the liver is greater.

For example, hepatitis caused by the type C virus is associated with an increased risk of liver cirrhosis and cancer. This is expressed in numerous studies, as clarified by the American Cancer Society .

Hepatitis viruses can be detected by performing serology from a blood test. In addition, there are vaccines included in the calendar for part of them.

3. Hypertension

Another of the most prevalent silent diseases in developed countries is hypertension. It is defined as the increase in tension in the walls of the blood vessels. This makes the heart work harder to push blood to the tissues.

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, a significant portion of the population does not know if they are hypertensive. This pathology notably increases the risk of cerebral infarction. Similarly, it is estimated that the possibility of suffering from vascular dementia or cognitive impairment is increased by 70% in hypertensive patients.

Blood pressure figures can be measured very easily. For example, through electronic devices, in pharmacies or also in medical consultations. In fact, it is one of the parameters that is always evaluated in any clinical examination.

4. Anemia

Within the silent diseases, one can also speak of anemia. It occurs when the concentration of hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood decreases. 

It is a very frequent situation that alters the capacity to transport oxygen to the tissues. It can be due to dietary problems, blood loss (for example, in women with heavy periods) or digestive diseases.

The truth is that, although it is often considered one of the silent diseases, many people do experience signs. There may be tiredness, weakness, pale skin, or palpitations.

Like the other pathologies that we have mentioned, the diagnosis is very simple. A blood test usually shows this problem. However, there are many types of presentation and origins, so getting to the exact cause is more complex.

Most cases of anemia are due to a lack of iron. Hence, treatment is usually based on administering iron orally for a few months.

5. Cancer

Unfortunately, many types of cancer remain silent diseases for quite some time. Until they are advanced enough to compromise the surrounding tissues, no symptoms of any kind may appear.

Cancer is a process in which cells in the body change due to genetic mutations. What happens is that they begin to proliferate uncontrollably. This causes damage to normal tissues.

One of the cancers that is most included within the silent diseases is that of the pancreas. According to the Cancer.net platform , this neoplasm produces almost no signs until the damage is very advanced. At that point there are few effective treatments.

However, other neoplasms can be accompanied by nonspecific signs. For example, sweating, unexplained fever, weight loss, lumps. Hence, it is always essential to consult a doctor in the event of any persistent discomfort.

In the same way, and fortunately, there are currently many screening methods that allow early diagnosis of certain types of cancer. For example, colonoscopy for colorectal cancer or cytology for cervical cancer.

6. Fatty liver

The liver is one of the fundamental organs for the functioning of the organism. Numerous enzymatic reactions take place in it. In addition, it is one of those responsible for the purification of toxins.

Fatty liver is a disease characterized by the accumulation of fatty acids and triglycerides in this organ. This causes an inflammatory reaction to occur.

It is closely related to alcohol consumption and diet. Many times it can be seen that the liver is enlarged. If no type of treatment or change in habits is carried out, it can progress to cirrhosis.

7. Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is one of the most common types of dementia. According to the specialists from the Mayo Clinic, this pathology produces the deterioration of thought, affects the behavior, memory and social skills of those who suffer it.

At first, symptoms may go unnoticed. Its incidence increases with age. It is usual that it begins by presenting itself as small oversights or oversights. However, in the final stages it causes the person to lose their independence and the ability to carry out daily activities.

Elderly man with Alzheimer's.

8. Multiple sclerosis

Another of the most prevalent silent diseases is multiple sclerosis. Actually, being included in this type is very relative. It is true that at first the signs and symptoms may not be very obvious. However, most people do experience significant changes or events.

Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease. It causes damage to myelin, which is the substance that covers nerve fibers. It usually affects women more and occurs in the form of outbreaks.

These flare-ups are characterized by symptoms such as loss of strength or a tingling sensation in some parts of the body. Tiredness and visual disturbances also appear.

As explained by the entity Multiple Sclerosis Spain, there is no cure for the disease. However, current treatments allow modifying the course and improving quality and life expectancy.

Silent diseases can be very harmful

Silent diseases are those that do not produce symptoms or the signs are mild and nonspecific. The vast majority of them end up causing irreversible damage to the body.

Although no signs or discomfort appear, it is essential that they are detected early and treatment is instituted. For this reason, it is recommended to go to the doctor with some frequency and not miss the population screenings.

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