9 Tips To Rejuvenate The Face In A Homemade And Natural Way

Rejuvenating the face may seem like an almost impossible mission, but doing it can be simple and natural by following these simple tips.

Discover in this article which are the 9 best tips to have a young, firm and luminous complexion.

Tips to rejuvenate the face

1. Consume antioxidants

If we want to rejuvenate the face and our body in general in a natural way, we must start with a good diet.

Our diet must not only be balanced and healthy, but also rich in foods with antioxidant properties, according to this study carried out by the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico.

There are a wide variety of nutrients that have the virtue of protecting us from the oxidation produced by free radicals in our body:

  • Vitamin C: Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, fresh mustard, beet, cabbage, currant.
  • Vitamin E: Nuts, spinach, avocado, whole grains, pollen, parsley, cold-extracted vegetable oils.
  • Beta-carotenes: Fish liver oil, alfalfa, asparagus, apricot, beet, carrot, garlic.
  • Lycopenes: Tomato, watermelon, guava.
  • Flavonoids: Sprouted alfalfa, spinach, lemon, onion, blackberry, black pepper, green tea, wine, beer.
  • Vitamin B6: Meat, fish, milk, eggs, whole grains, potatoes, spinach, wheat germ, avocado, nuts, brewer’s yeast.
  • Europein: Grape and red wine.
  • Olein: Olive oil.

Omega 3 is also recommended, such as the content in salmon that contains antioxidants, as stated in this study carried out by TNO Nutrition and Food Research (Holland).

2. Do not abuse the sun


Exposure to the sun in a moderate way helps us to have a nice tan and to obtain vitamin D, which is essential for the body.

However, sunbathing in an abusive way will cause premature aging of the skin, among other negative consequences for our health.

We can expose ourselves to sunlight for 10 to 15 minutes a day. In this way we will make it a healthy habit without harming our skin.

If you have to be in the sun for long periods of time, either for work or pleasure, use sunscreen.

3. Facial self-massages

Facial massages or self-massages are not only pleasant and relaxing, they are also a homemade and natural technique to progressively rejuvenate the face.

You can do them in the morning when you get up, just before going to bed or at any time of the day that we have a few free minutes.

It is recommended to use vegetable oils or natural creams.

The important thing is that we manage to activate circulation and give elasticity to the skin.

We will try different types of massages on the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and, very gently, around the eyes.

To perform facial massages you should only use the ring and middle fingers, as well as the movements should be gentle in a circular way in the eyes, ascending cheekbones and chin, and in the forehead of the center of the same outwards.

4. Gentle brushing


There are some brushes with which we can also massage the skin of the skin.

In this way we are able to activate circulation and exfoliate the skin to eliminate dead cells that give the skin a gray and dull appearance.

The brush massage should be very gentle, especially in the most sensitive areas of the face. We can do it 1 or 2 times a week.

5. Beware of grimaces and tensions

The stresses of the day are reflected on our faces, as well as the grimaces that we often make.

These two bad habits that block circulation and promote premature wrinkles should be avoided by all means .

Massages will be of great help, but we must also become aware of our face.

6. Contact with nature

What is hair detoxification

Whenever we can, we should leave the cities and urban life and escape to natural environments of the sea or mountains.

Clean air and natural life also nourish our skin and help us find a balance with ourselves, which will have a positive impact on our face.

7. Vegetable oils and essential oils


We can nourish our skin daily with vegetable oils and essential oils, since they are natural ingredients of homemade cosmetics with a high antioxidant power.

Anti-inflammatory vegetable oils, as recommended in this article by the Chang Gung University College of Medicine in Taiwan, and which emphasizes those of:

  • Coconut
  • Almond
  • Jojoba
  • rosehip
  • Nut
  • Olive
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Sunflower

    8. Drink lots of water

    Drink a lot of water

    Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and free of impurities.

     Drinking water is highly recommended, as stated in this study carried out by the Spanish Society of Basic and Applied Nutrition.

    A liter and a half of water a day will be enough to help rejuvenate the face with good habits.

    9. The reflection of the interior


    Our face is a reflection of our interior. Therefore, to have a healthy, beautiful and young face we must also be like that on the inside.

    Fighting every day to lead a healthy life, in harmony with ourselves and with others  will also have surprising effects on our skin.

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