Forbidden Foods When You Have A Stomach Ulcer

If we do not want to make the stomach ulcer worse, we must adapt our diet and include foods that do not irritate the mucosa, as well as avoid all those that can cause heartburn.

A stomach ulcer is a lesion that affects the lining of the stomach and is characterized by pain in the upper abdomen. Many indicate that they feel a kind of burning or “fire” in the pit of their stomach about 2 hours after eating or during the night.

If you have this problem, you should eat a balanced diet and avoid certain foods. In this way you can manage the symptoms and promote later rest.

How to reduce stomach ulcer symptoms

When we have a sore or irritation in the lining of the stomach we feel sore and avoid eating or drinking. We may also follow certain guidelines that help us to reduce or prevent symptoms.

Eat a soft and bland diet

  • It is advisable to opt for cooking methods that do not toast or crisp the food. For example, we recommend that you steam or cook your food.
  • You can also consume them as creams, papillotes or soups. In any case, the texture must be tender and juicy.
  • As for the temperature, it is always better tempered dishes.

Eat every 4 hours

Fruits for breakfast.

It is true that with a stomach ulcer many times we do not feel like eating. However, it is recommended, at least, to eat a fruit or a snack every 4 hours. It would also be good if you consumed something before going to sleep.

  • The recommended daily intakes are breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack, dinner and “after dinner”.
  • Of these, a maximum of 3 must be complete. The rest just a sandwich.

Choosing stomach-protective foods

There are some foods that have properties to relieve pain caused by a stomach ulcer. Several have anti-inflammatory and healing effects and are high in vitamin E. This nutrient has proven to be beneficial in improving the management of the disease.

We recommend the following:

  • Potato.
  • Banana.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Olive oil.
  • Pears with cinnamon.
  • Applesauce.

Drink a lot of water

Water is vital to the body for several reasons. That is why you have read or heard about the famous “two liters a day”.

  • In the event that you suffer from ulcers, it will act as a stomach softener or relaxant.
  • You can also consume natural apple or pear juices (never citrus) or herbal teas.
  • Don’t drink soda, coffee, or alcohol.

Avoid foods that are difficult to digest

In addition to the cooking method, which is very important if you suffer from ulcers, you must take special care with certain foods. When these are not easily digested they can cause more pain or discomfort.

We refer, for example, to sausages, French fries or red meat. Avoid them in your diet and your quality of life will improve.

Stop unhealthy habits

Food is not the only one that causes stomach problems. Also daily habits can influence. For example, stress is related to an increase in ulcers and heartburn.

  • We advise you to lead a more relaxed life to reduce episodes.
  • On the other hand, if you smoke or drink alcohol, you are making the situation worse. Forget cigarettes and reduce your intake of alcoholic beverages as much as possible if you want to stop suffering from the symptoms that afflict you so much. Regular alcohol intake has been shown to be one of the main promoters of this pathology.

What foods to avoid if I suffer from a stomach ulcer?

In addition to changes in your diet or in your habits, there are certain foods and drinks that can cause greater damage to the lining of the stomach. As it contains irritating substances or is too acidic, we advise you to avoid:

Dairy products

Some people do well to drink a glass of warm milk before going to sleep. However, for other stomach ulcer patients this drink turns into a nightmare.

Any industrialized dairy product alters the pH of the stomach and therefore increases the symptoms. Avoid consuming:

  • Milk.
  • Cheese.
  • Butter.


Any type of beer (especially if it is homemade or craft) causes heartburn. This can increase the pain typical of an ulcer. The ferment used for its preparation is not recommended in this type of ailments. Therefore, avoid this drink and opt for natural juices.



Besides beer, any alcoholic drink is bad for the stomach. Especially those that are of high graduation.

Try not to drink:

  • Whiskey.
  • Tequila.
  • Cognac.
  • Vodka.


It is true that citrus fruits are beneficial to our health. However,  in people with ulcers they can increase pain and symptoms.

When we consume juices or whole fruit, the acidity in the body increases. Therefore, try not to eat:

  • Oranges
  • Lemons.
  • Limes
  • Grapefruits

Red meat

Barbecues are one of the worst enemies for those who have an ulcer. Beef, for example, is very difficult to digest. Therefore, the acidity in the stomach increases, as well as the pain or symptoms.

For its part, pork (although it is lighter than beef) may contain fats that are unhealthy and worsen the picture. Thus, it is best to eat them at most once a week and in small quantities.

Refined flours

If you eat a lot of pastas, breads or pizzas, you may have to change your diet. These harm various organs of the body, including the stomach. 

  • When white flour is made into processed food, it contains a lot of sugar.
  • This compound tends to ferment in the stomach and wreak havoc on your health.


High-salt meat sausages

As we have discussed, meat is not beneficial for those who suffer from ulcers. But there are also more reasons to avoid these foods in our diet.

In the case of sausages or cold cuts, you have to take into account that they contain a good dose of chemicals and preservatives. These cause heartburn and increase stomach ulcer pain.


Finally, we must be vigilant with dishes that have a lot of condiments, spices or hot peppers (for example, Mexican, Indian or Asian). These can worsen the picture when we have ulcers, according to a study published in Digestive Diseases. 

Try not to eat them or reduce the amount of spiciness in them. Replace them with lemon and aromatic plants.

Improve your diet to avoid ulcers

With a change in diet you can prevent the development of ulcers, as well as improve the management of the pathology once they have already appeared. Follow the advice we have given you and you will notice the improvement in no time.

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