Does Eating Make Us Fat?

Dinner is a key moment that determines our diet and, consequently, our weight. Have you ever heard something like that? Read on to find out why what we eat for dinner is so important.

Eating a lot or eating badly at night is directly related to the production of fat : it is that moment of the day when we are almost not going to consume energy and in which the calories ingested are hardly burned. For this reason, it is generally recommended to consume the majority of calories in the first half of the day.

We must therefore know what foods to include in our dinners that allow us to maintain weight or in the second case, lose weight; and the old saying already says it: “have breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and dinner like a beggar.”

Controlling our caloric intake may be the secret to losing weight naturally, improving our quality of life and even our rest. Let’s take note then:

Is it true that dinners are fattening?

No, not at all, what makes you fat is eating badly at night. Unfortunately, it is something that many people do incorrectly due to the following factors:

  • In the mornings we can eat a balanced diet, and even “eat little”, but when we get home we do it sometimes full of anxiety and we let off steam by snacking on what we have in the fridge, sometimes resorting to high-calorie foods rich in fat.
  • Another bad habit that can take its toll on us is that, due to work or our obligations, we eat breakfast in a hurry or not even do it, we eat something fast at noon and, finally, we get home very hungry and wanting to “rob the fridge” .
  • Eating very late. Sometimes we get home late, go about our business, and end up eating dinner around the same time we go to bed, before digestion is complete.

Foods that you should not eat at night

There are foods that we should avoid consuming at that time because they are too caloric and difficult to digest . Obviously it would be advisable to avoid heavy meals with a lot of fried and fat, carbonated or caffeinated drinks, in addition to those that we indicate in the following list:

1. Snacks

Sure you have done it more than once. It is an easy resource because we think it is something “light”, and although it all depends on what you include in it.

In general, it is recommended to avoid carbohydrates at night, since they are what provide us with energy and, by not using them, they would tend to be stored. However, a 2011 study noted that eating carbohydrates primarily at dinner would help people who are overweight or have insulin assimilation problems to lose weight.

2. Salads with lettuce

It may surprise you, but lettuce is a difficult food to digest due to its insoluble fiber content, which can cause gas and bloating at night. It is very common to resort to salads at night, however we recommend tomato salads with some type of protein that gives you a feeling of satiety.

3. Garlic and onion

Some people have trouble digesting raw garlic and onion, especially if they eat them at night. To avoid possible indigestion, we recommend avoiding them.

4. Pasta, rice and pizzas

Don’t go overboard with them, always eat them in small amounts. Keep in mind that the carbohydrates in vegetables and greens may be better for dinner than those in pasta and rice. Of course, moderate consumption should not cause weight changes.

What foods can I have for dinner?

Dinner is the last meal of the day, and therefore should help us balance the nutritional intake of the day. Hence, it is always positive to include a good portion of vegetables:

Grilled or sautéed vegetables, soups, gazpachos and accompany them with a portion of salmon or some turkey, for example, skimmed yogurts, substitute toast for bread …

Examples of light dinners

-Mushrooms sautéed with skimmed cheese French omelette. A slice of melon or watermelon.

-Tomato salad with mozzarella and prawns, a little salmon and toast.

-Cream of zucchini with hake, apple and a yogurt with honey.

What happens if I eliminate dinners from my diet?

Skipping meals would not be effective, sometimes it would make us more anxious and cause us to eat large amounts at the next meal. Skipping a dinner could cause blood sugar to drop, suffer from hypoglycemia and reduce caloric intake … It would not be recommended at all.

What would be the most recommended dessert for dinner?

Fresh or compote fruits (the latter is more digestive), and skimmed yogurts.

What time should I have dinner?

It is recommended to have dinner two hours before going to sleep.

Pay attention to the food when you get home and don’t jump over the fridge. If you are very hungry, we advise you to eat some cherry tomatoes or a carrot while your dinner is cooking. You will see how you satisfy your hunger in a healthy way!

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