5 Questions To Stop Feeling Lost

How would you say you feel today? If you are reading this article maybe you are doing it because you feel lost and confused or because you have been feeling this way recently.

This is not as rare as you might think.

We have all been through these moments when finding the compass of our life is anything but simple. This happens regardless of whether we have the best family, the best friends or the job we always dream of.

If you are going through this situation, the first thing you should do is acknowledge that it is okay. Maybe it’s time to slow down a bit and realize that you are forgetting the most important thing in your life: you.

Answer these questions when you feel lost and find your way forward.

If you are lost ask yourself the following questions …

1. How can I bring more happiness and fun to my life?


Before we talked about when you feel lost and apparently you have everything. One of the reasons this happens is that you focus on meeting all your obligations and what others expect of you.

That’s not bad, as long as do not lose sight that in your life there should be fun and happiness .

Before worrying about everything you can change, first think about how to get a little happiness. It’s so simple that we sometimes overlook it.

Think of those simple things that change your mood with minimal effort.

The options are endless, but the correct one will depend only on you and what you consider fun, so get to work and remember what makes you smile huge.

2. What price am I willing to pay for giving up that dream that I am chasing?

If you feel lost because you are working hard for a project or dream that suddenly seems impossible, perhaps you have considered ending it.

Before taking that step, it is important that you stop and think about what will happen if you do.

We are not saying that you should never leave a goal . On the contrary, this is valid when in truth it is no longer what you want. What we say is that you must become aware of what that resignation means to you.

Take a serious look at what price you will have to pay for giving up that dream. Sometimes the only thing is the tension it brings you and, at other times, it can affect relationships and a lot of work.

No one but you can decide, but it is important that you know the consequences and that you prepare for what happens.

3. What price am I willing to pay to continue with that dream or goal?

This question complements the previous one and should always be one of the first you ask yourself when you feel lost.

Sometimes continuing with a dream implies more stress , more tiredness and making difficult decisions that we do not want.

In these cases, it is a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of stopping trying or continuing.

When doing this analysis, try to be as objective as possible and think about how your decision will affect friends, family and everyone around you.

In the end, all decisions should be yours, but it is best to make them fully aware of what they entail. This will require a lot of thought, so take it easy and patiently.

4. What can I do to be a better person?

It is possible that the reason you feel lost is that your actions and your values ​​are not congruent.

Perhaps you have deluded yourself by taking certain decisions, or by acting in a certain way so that it doesn’t affect you.

It can also happen that you have focused on yourself and your desires and that you are forgetting the rest.

So, think for a moment what you can do to be a better person. Anything goes, as long as it is something that contributes to others and that it comes from within you.

Think that you will surely find more than one option that you can do at the same time.

5. How do I feel about myself?

What a question is this, right? When you feel lost, confused or not knowing where you are going, this question can be very complex, but it can also be the key to knowing which path to take.

Forget for a moment everything you feel you should do and the opinions of others.

When asking yourself this question you should concentrate only in yourself. Are you proud of what you do? Do you think you contribute something to those who are close to you?

If there is something inside you that tells you that you are not doing the right thing with your life, without a doubt you are going to feel bad with the results no matter how much you try to deceive yourself.

With these five questions in mind we are sure that it will be easier for you to find the path you should follow.

Just have a little patience because even though they seem questions Simple, they will force you to do a really deep analysis that will take you time.

The most important thing is that you are honest with yourself and do not judge yourself. Just listen to yourself and understand what you want.

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