How To Treat Sleep Apnea?

In the absence of proper treatment, apnea can lead to more serious problems, from depression to heart disease.

What is sleep apnea and how can it be treated? Is it possible to cure it completely? Next we will answer these questions and we will tell you other interesting information. Do not miss it!

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects breathing during the time a person sleeps. Those who suffer from it either undergo “artificial respiration” or stop breathing in air for short periods of time at night. Interruptions can last up to 20 seconds.

Next we will talk more about the characteristics of this disease so that you can recognize it. We will also explain how to treat sleep apnea. Do not miss it!

Sleep apnea features

The first thing to know about sleep apnea is that it is a disorder that prevents you from sleeping well, as it interferes with your natural sleep rhythm.

The person is likely to have light dreams or never fall asleep deeply, therefore, they will not get enough rest (or what their body needs) to restore itself after the workday.

Many are the negative aspects of apnea and having a “bad night”, such as low energy level, low productivity, reduced daytime mental alertness, slow reflexes, and so on.

However, with proper treatment, symptoms can be managed, good sleep, and the benefits of healthy sleep can be enjoyed.

Breathe through the mouth


The symptoms that people who suffer from this ailment can manifest are varied and everything will depend on the case.

  • Panting.
  • Suffocation.
  • Irritability.
  • Depression.
  • Nightmares.
  • Restless dream.
  • Loud snoring
  • Low performance.
  • Humor changes.
  • Pauses in breathing.
  • Drowsiness during the day
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Headache since the morning.
  • Unusual sleeping positions
  • Feeling of shortness of breath when waking up.
  • Waking up with a sore or dry throat.
  • Tendency to always breathe through the mouth.
  • Excessive perspiration at night.


According to Mayo Clinic experts, the reasons for this condition can be diverse, but are basically divided into: obstructive sleep apnea, central floor apnea, and complex sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea

A narrowing of the airways occurs when inhaling due to an imbalance in the throat muscles. This leads to brief pauses in the movement of inspiration, which reduces the oxygen reaching the blood.

When this occurs, the person is instantly awake as the brain detects that there is an inability to breathe, urging the body to get up to open the airways. Sometimes it is not necessary to wake up directly because the mechanism works again without problems.

This episode may occur several times each night and cause tiredness or a feeling of suffocation.

Central sleep apnea

It is the least frequent but it is worth highlighting. It occurs when the brain does not communicate correctly with the muscles that are responsible for breathing.

In this case, the person also has trouble falling asleep or if he does it is very light. Those who tend to suffer from this type of apnea are patients with heart problems, who wake up many times at dawn.

Complex sleep apnea

It is produced by an obstruction in the airways due to different factors or failures in the function of the muscles involved. It is a combination of the two previous disorders.

Some of the causes can be smoking, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, obstruction in the passage of the nose or family history.

Sleep apnea treatment

Sleep apnea patient sleeping with an air machine.

Now, how do you treat sleep apnea? Well, the treatment will depend on the patient’s medical history and the severity of the disorder, there are several treatments for sleep apnea. These should always be recommended by a specialist. Here are the options that your doctor can offer you in moderate-severe cases:

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). This is a machine that sends air pressure through a mask while you sleep.
  • Airway pressure devices. They are often recommended when CPAP is not working. They work similarly, but these adjust the pressure automatically while you sleep.
  • Oral appliances. These are designed to keep the throat open. There are several types so you may have to try several with your dentist until you find the one that best suits your case.


Surgeries to treat sleep apnea are only recommended in very severe cases and when all previous treatments have failed. Among the most frequent we find:

  • Tissue removal. Tissue is removed from the back of the mouth and the upper part of the throat. This prevents the throat structures from vibrating and causing snoring.
  • Tissue reduction. It carries fewer risks than the previous one. This procedure consists of reducing the tissue at the back of the mouth and at the back of the throat.
  • Relocation of the jaw. The jaw is moved forward in relation to the rest of the bones of the face. This increases the space behind the tongue and soft palate, reducing the chances of obstruction.
  • Implants. Plastic rods are surgically implanted in the soft palate.
  • Nerve stimulation. Surgery is done to insert a stimulator into the nerve that controls tongue movement. Thus, by increasing stimulation, it helps to keep the tongue in a position that keeps the airways open.
  • Tracheotomy. This procedure is only done if other methods of treating sleep apnea have failed and the person has a very serious, near-fatal condition. It consists of making an opening in the neck and inserting a metal or plastic tube through which you can breathe. This opening is kept covered during the day. At night, it is uncovered to allow air to move in and out of the lungs. This prevents obstruction of the throat air passage.

Tips to reduce sleep apnea

The treatments that we have presented above are applied in case you suffer from moderate to severe sleep apnea. Instead, if the disorder is mild, your doctor will likely recommend making certain lifestyle changes.

These tips can help you treat the problem you have at night, so that your respiratory system is in condition and you avoid apnea:

  • Reduce several kilos : If you are obese or overweight, this will help relieve the constriction of the throat. You just have to achieve a healthy weight, eating a proper and balanced diet. We also recommend exercising. You can get 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day, such as a light walk.
  • Avoid certain medications and drink a lot of alcohol : tranquilizers, sleeping pills, or certain antihistamines are harmful in these cases. Also the fact of consuming alcoholic beverages because they relax the back muscles of the throat, interfering with breathing.
  • Sleep on your side or stomach : Do not sleep on your back because it can cause the tongue or soft palate to rest on the throat and block the airway.
  • Keep your nostrils open all night : use a saline nasal spray or bands specifically designed for this purpose. The idea is that your nose is always “available” to receive air. Always choose approved products.
  • Avoid caffeine consumption or very heavy dinners : caffeine interferes with the normal rhythm of sleep, as do large intakes. Always allow at least two hours to pass from when you eat dinner until you go to bed, even if you don’t sleep.
  • Respect the hours of sleep : try to always go to bed and get up at the same time, so that the body is already used to it.

    Yoga, a good ally

    yoga exercises to rest better

    As you have seen, when it comes to alleviating this disorder, it is essential to take care not only of our habits at night, but also during the day. This will help us to fall asleep better and, in the end, it will be beneficial to end apnea.

    Therefore, we recommend that you include the practice of yoga in your life. This exercise contemplates a more conscious breathing, so its regular practice can help you control your breathing and ensure a correct passage of air both inside and outside the body.

    In addition, various studies show that the regular practice of yoga can be beneficial, among many other things, to improve the quality of sleep. That is why we recommend that you dare to try it. It can even be your ally in weight loss.

    What should you keep in mind?

    As you have seen, sleep apnea is a disorder that can be very annoying, but it has various treatments that allow you to enjoy a good quality of life.

    In the case of mild apnea, it is possible to alleviate it with a few simple changes in the daily routine, which will also help to improve health in general.

    If you consider that you suffer from sleep apnea, see your doctor as soon as possible so that he or she can offer you the most appropriate treatment for your case. Dont miss the chance!

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