Benefits Of Including Soy In The Diet

Soy is a food that in recent decades has become very popular. Like the rest of the legumes, it is nutritionally recommended. It is rich in fiber and other interesting nutrients. But also, of its group, it is the one with the highest protein content.

Soy also stands out because it is a very versatile food. It gives rise to many traditional derivatives that are gastronomically appreciated. There are soy products ranging from miso, tofu, soy drink or soy sauce among others. Compounds useful in food technology such as lecithins that are used as emulsifiers are also extracted from soybeans .

To take care of your health it is essential to maintain good lifestyle habits, play sports and perform medical check-ups from time to time. In addition, including certain foods in the diet can be a good contribution. Next we develop what are the benefits of including soy in our diet.

Benefits of including soy in the diet

It is important to note that soy contains large amounts of natural toxins, or “antinutrients. As indicated in an investigation carried out by the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology, these reduce the nutritional value of soy and the products obtained from it by more than 50%.

Therefore, proper consumption of soy requires adequate processing or treatment prior to preparing foods made with this legume. In this way they can be inactivated.

Another factor that the professionals of this research indicate and must be taken into consideration is that the contribution of minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc) through products derived from soy is very poor compared to products of animal origin. For example, meat, milk or eggs.

This is due to the amount of phytic acid it has. This is a substance that can reduce the absorption and assimilation of essential minerals in the intestinal tract.

To avoid this problem, when the diet is based on this vegetable or its derivatives, it is important to properly supplement it with other foods. In any case, it will be good to consult with a doctor which diet is best to follow depending on the particular case of each person.

Soy is good for the skin

Soy is especially beneficial for people who have combination skin. Therefore, soy-based creams act as a moisturizer in dry areas. They also help decrease fat in other areas. Plus, they can help reverse signs of sun damage like fine lines, blemishes, discoloration, and roughness.

On the other hand, they contain a kind of isoflavones called aglycones that favor the reduction of wrinkles and, therefore, help prevent premature aging.

In fact, a Japanese study published in 2007 found that oral intake of 40 milligrams of soy isoflavones aglycones daily for 12 weeks improved the skin of several women between the ages of 30 and 40.

Supports cardiovascular health

In recent decades it was investigated why Asian populations, which are large consumers of this food, suffer fewer problems related to certain cardiovascular diseases. And it is that both the fiber and the isoflavones that soy contains favor that cholesterol does not adhere to the walls of the arteries. 

Including soy in your diet can help lower cholesterol levels. In fact, there are scientific studies that support this claim. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that 25 grams per day of soy protein can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Experts explain that the health benefits of soy products may be due to their high levels of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and low saturated fat content.

One of the benefits of including soy in the diet is that it improves the state of the cardiovascular system by reducing cholesterol levels

In conclusion

Soy is a nutritious food. As we mentioned before, compared to other legumes, it contains a higher percentage of good quality proteins. Similarly, it provides all the essential amino acids that an adult human requires, with the exception of methionine and cysteine.

It is a good resource to supplement the diet, but you have to be careful because in no case will it be positive to consume it as the only food. Soy should be included as one of the available and accessible foods in the diet. In any case, it is always a good option to consult with a specialist which products, specifically those that include soy, may be the most beneficial for oneself.

The key to good health is maintaining good lifestyle habits. Do sports, eat in a balanced way and everything and avoid harmful products such as tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.

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