8 Simple Ways To Burn 100 Calories In A Few Minutes

Believe it or not, there are many daily activities that can help you burn calories easily, in a short time and almost without realizing it.

Burning calories is a difficult practice when maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. However, when looking for ways to stay active on a daily basis, it is possible to burn 100 calories and more.

There are more than eight ways to burn 100 calories, however, below we will discuss some of the simplest that you can take advantage of in your day to day. Take notes so you don’t hesitate to put them into practice!

1. Dance and burn 100 calories (or more)

Dancing is an effective way to burn calories in general. All you have to do is choose four or five songs from your playlist and dance to them with all your heart . This will translate into fifteen minutes of energetic movements that will help you burn 100 calories in an easy way, while having fun, releasing tension and draining.

2. Climb stairs

Girl doing sprints to lose weight.

Instead of taking advantage of any excuse to take the elevator even if you live in a first, start going up and down stairs whenever you get the chance. This simple exercise will help you stay active and burn several calories. In addition, it will help you to have a better physical condition if you do it regularly.

To burn about 100 calories you will have to go up and down for 10 consecutive minutes. Try walking up and down home, and if you live on a very high floor, use the elevator, but get down 3 floors early.

3. Do interval sports to burn more calories

Exercising is always a great idea to gain health and wellness in general, and if you do it at intervals, you will achieve your purpose in less time.

Interval routines are done in a short time and help burn a lot of calories and also reduce the risk of developing diabetes, according to an article published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.

Among these routines would be:

  • Jumping jacks for 20 seconds.
  • 10 second rest.
  • Raise your knees for 20 seconds.
  • 10 second rest
  • Jump rope for 20 seconds.
  • 10 second rest.

Note Keep in mind that to achieve burning 100 calories you will have to repeat these exercises at least nine times.

4. Clean your house

Man cleaning surface with disinfectant soap.

Cleaning your house thoroughly (for about 30 minutes at a time) is an activity that can be very useful when you want to burn 100 calories or more. Sweeping, mopping or vacuuming, dusting all rooms, organizing pantries, accommodating here and there … all this keeps you moving.

Discover: How to clean the house with baking soda

5. Cooking burns calories

The kitchen doesn’t have to be your enemy if you’re looking to burn calories. Cooking your own meals will not only help you eat healthier, but by doing it for 55 consecutive minutes, you will have burned about 100 calories.

From now on you have a reason not to order food at home and just sit there waiting for the bell to ring.

6. Do you have a garden? Take care of him

Something as relaxing and productive as gardening will burn 100 calories in just a few minutes. It is enough that you dedicate 20 minutes of your time to beautify this space to consume the amount of calories we are talking about. Practical and useful in equal measure!

Category: gardens and exterior

7. Sign up for any move

If you have friends or acquaintances who need help with a move, helping them will not only be a gesture to show your support and kindness, but a good way to burn calories. In just 20 minutes you will have already burned 100 calories. Nothing better than going up and down boxes down the stairs!

8. Walk 30 minutes in a row every day

Taking at least 30 minutes a day to walk will cause you to lose 100 calories or more (if you keep a good pace). It will be enough that you go to do the shopping and the small daily chores to realize how quickly time passes and how easy it is to burn that amount of calories.

Of course, you can also put on your helmets and go for a walk at a good pace through an area that you find pleasant, such as a park, for example.

Other alternatives to take care of yourself

Although this drink will not make you burn 100 calories without doing anything else, the truth is that when you include it within a healthy lifestyle, it can help you avoid the consumption of industrial soft drinks, which do not allow you to lose weight and that only add calories.

Pineapple water benefits.


  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ cup of pineapple (75 g).
  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • Optional: fresh mint leaves.


  • Wash all the ingredients well.
  • Peel the cucumber and pineapple and cut them into small cubes.
  • Pass the ingredients one by one through the blender, and combine them all.
  • Finally, add the lemon juice.

Note : You must bear in mind that if you suffer from an ulcer or heartburn, it is best not to add pineapple.

Exercise to burn 100 calories … and more

The best way to burn calories, get into good physical condition – and not lose it – as well as enjoy health and well-being is by maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Therefore, do not stop exercising daily. 

Do not forget that exercise is a protective factor against various types of diseases, according to a study published in 2015.

Finally, remember that in addition to exercising, you must maintain a balanced diet, according to your body’s needs and goals.

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