My Boyfriend Doesn’t Value Me

Feeling that the person you love doesn’t feel the same way about you is frustrating and painful. Now, when faced with this type of situation, how should one act?

First of all, we must remember that in a relationship, not everything is perfect. On the other hand, we must remember that not everyone is the same and, therefore, not everyone can express their affection in the same way.

However, when we notice that we do not receive as much as we give and that we are not being truly valued… it is necessary to sit down and talk with the couple to find out what is happening. Then, depending on the origin of the problem, we will analyze the possible solutions and make a decision.

How to know if they do not value me?

6 discussions every happy couple has

Although it is true that each case is different and that assumptions and generalizations are not the best allies and that, instead, dialogue will always be the best tool, there are certain signs that can be taken into account to know if your partner is no longer has an interest in you.

  1. It is not there when you need it or has stopped supporting you.
  2. You have forgotten details of situations and dates that are important to you.
  3. Your partner pays more attention to the mobile phone than to you, but it takes time to reply to a message.
  4. He seems distracted when you talk to him.
  5. He treats his friends better than you.
  6. He does not value you if he does not correspond to the samples of affection or his desire for privacy has diminished.

If you detect these signs, it is important that you try to talk with your partner about it. In case you have difficulties dealing with it, you can seek professional help from a psychologist. 

Lack of self-love can influence


Your boyfriend may not value you because he notices a lack of self-esteem and self-esteem. If you are with someone who does not show you the same affection, you may be the main culprit. Paradoxically, those who complain that their partner does not value them, do not value themselves.

When we are in love, we tend to prioritize the other person, unaware that we end up hurting ourselves.

On the other hand, a guy may not show much interest if his girl is absorbing and doesn’t leave him time to miss her. So keep in mind that if you show too much dependence on your boyfriend, you will probably end up tiring him or causing him to downplay the need to keep you stimulated.

To do?


The first thing to keep in mind is that no one (only you) has an obligation to value you, so give yourself priority.

  • If you want to be valued, you must do it first. Leave time for non-relationship activities. When you are independent, you tend to be more attractive.
  • Although you should not ask him to value you, you do need to talk to your boyfriend and tell him how you feel. If he really loves you, he will worry about the situation. He will try to change your attitude and improve what makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • If after analyzing and talking about it, you conclude that it is worth continuing with it, the ideal is that you get out of the monotony. Invent new ways to run the relationship. Invite him to go out to a place they have not visited before or to remember a special place.

It is also possible that the courtship has come to an end and it is time to take some time to breathe new air. Before asking yourself “Does my boyfriend value me?”, Better ask yourself: Do I value myself enough? “.

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