Eyelash Loss: Causes And Natural Treatments

Eyelashes play a protective role that many of us overlook. These, being located on the edges of the eyelids, are responsible for preventing many particles from reaching the inside of the eyes.

They have always been a main component of the beauty of the face, especially because their long and curved appearance allows a more attractive look.
Although their size and volume vary in each person, in general almost everyone wants them to look abundant and prominent. The problem is that, as with hair, some factors tend to weaken them until they cause excessive loss. 

This situation not only represents an aesthetic problem but, over time, it can facilitate the development of eye infections. Next we will review its main causes and some natural remedies that allow to strengthen them.

Causes of falling eyelashes

The eyelashes can fall out in a timely manner at times. However, when they fall regularly, it is possible that the reason is one of these causes that we are going to tell you about.

Excessive use of makeup

The excessive use of products to make up the eyelashes, glues, lacquers and false eyelashes is one of the main causes of their weakness and fall.

Poor quality mascara, curling iron, and waterproof masks tend to lead to thinning of the hair that ultimately leads to hair loss.

Sleeping with makeup

The hair on the eyelashes, as with the hair on the head, needs to be free of external substances in order to be oxygenated correctly.

For this reason, when sleeping with makeup, the hair becomes brittle to the point of falling out in alarming amounts.

Allergy to makeup

All skin types are different and, for this reason, in some , allergic reactions occur when certain cosmetics are applied. In this way, if the mascara is aggressive to the base of the eyelashes, it can trigger their loss.

Nutritional deficiencies

The poor absorption of some essential nutrients stops hair growth and can cause hair loss. Be sure to include sources of:

  • Vitamins A, B and E.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • High quality proteins.
  • Minerals such as magnesium and iron.

Hormonal changes

A hormonal imbalance can influence the weakening of the eyelashes. Remember that, although we ignore it, hormones are those that regulate many processes in the body.


Continual exposure to stressful situations is related to hair and eyelash loss. Therefore, it is important to seek techniques to learn to manage stress properly and thus reduce its impact. Additionally, it may be advisable to seek psychological help and exercise more frequently.

Natural treatments to stop eyelash loss

Below we will discuss some of the natural treatments that you can choose if you want to stop the fall of the eyelashes, strengthen them and promote their healthy growth to show a much more intense look.

Vitamin E capsule

Vitamin E capsules

The oil contained in the vitamin E capsules helps to regenerate the eyelashes when they are damaged by the chemicals in makeup. In this way, its application increases the thickness of the hair and, in the long term, stimulates its growth.

How to use

  • Break open a vitamin E capsule and rub the oil on your lashes with the help of your fingertip.
  • Repeat its use every night before going to bed.

Castor oil

Rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and amino acids, castor oil is one of the best natural solutions to keep lashes beautiful and strong.

How to use

  • Dip a clean brush in the oil and rub it from the roots to the tips of the lashes.
  • Leave it on without rinsing and use it every night after removing makeup.

    Almonds oil

    Almond oil remedies to take care of your skin

    Almond oil contains essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen eyelash hairs to minimize hair loss.

    How to use

    • Dampen your fingertips with the oil and rub it over your lashes.
    • Use it 2 times a day.


    Believe it or not, a product like petroleum jelly can also be helpful for plump, hydrated lashes.

    How to use

    • Take some petroleum jelly with your fingertip and rub it from the roots outwards.
    • Repeat its use every night before sleeping.

    Olive oil

    Virgin olive oil

    The fatty acids in olive oil are powerful moisturizers.  For this reason, they help to regenerate the lashes to reduce the damage they suffer in the environment.

    How to use

    • Heat some olive oil.
    • When it is warm, apply it on the lashes with the help of a clean brush.
    • Repeat its use every night before going to bed.

    Are your eyelashes falling out?

    If your eyelashes are falling out, perhaps you should try to review your lifestyle habits (diet, for example) and improve what is necessary. Likewise, you can complement your care routine with these natural treatments that we have recommended.

    If the problem persists and is accompanied by other complaints, consult your doctor.

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