Reusable Materials That Tend To Accumulate At Home

We all have some objects at home that we think are not very functional. They are stored or placed in a corner of the home while we decide what to do with them. These eight reusable materials that often accumulate in your home will help you take your first steps in the field of reuse and recycling.

Eight reusable materials that tend to accumulate in your home

When we make the decision to extend the useful life of some objects that we thought useless, we not only contribute to the planet, we  also save resources that we thought to invest in new things. Making them from the ones we have at home will be much cheaper.

The coffee

Coffee leftovers

Coffee leftovers have innumerable uses. From body aesthetics to gardening, they include very varied uses to give them a second life.

Coffee grounds are an excellent flavoring agent. If we rub our hands we will eliminate dead cells and if we use it to clean the surfaces of the refrigerator, they will be shiny. They also serve to degrease pots and, mixed with very hot water, helps keep the sink uncovered.

Reusable materials: the very useful toothbrush

Who hasn’t thrown away their toothbrush when they feel it’s no longer effective for cleaning their teeth? This utensil retains its usefulness after we stop brushing our teeth. In the cleaning of those areas of the bathroom in which we must take great care, it is extremely useful, since it also serves to clean clothes and shoes.

Cans with different purposes

Homemade pencil holders

After enjoying a delicious soda or a delicious snack, we usually throw away the cans that contain the drinks. Thus, we lose a valuable resource for the elaboration of functional objects for the home.

How to use these cans? Decorative vases, pencil containers, or pots all have their point of origin in those stacked or ready-to-throw cans. The rings on soda cans are very useful for jewelry. If we join them with ribbons, threads or staples we can make decorative bracelets and bangles.

Toilet paper tubes

Disposing of the tubes is more of a loss than a benefit. Toilet paper tubes have many uses within the home once they serve their primary purpose. From funny dolls, to flowerpots or containers to store objects, they can be made with this reusable material.

Magazines, newspapers and reusable materials

Stacked magazines

They are usually in a corner, on a table or in a closet. Magazines, newspapers, and brochures only collect dust as they become a nuisance.

However, we can use them to make crafts with the little ones. Christmas decorations, flowers, wrapping paper, confetti or garlands can be made with these reusable materials that tend to accumulate in your home.

The newspaper serves to pack objects delicate, ripe vegetables and fruits and even to dry and widen shoes. It is a curious material with various uses.

Stale bread

Among the many uses that hardened bread has, its ability to remain an appetizing food stands out. As long as it is not moldy, the stale bread can be reused for other preparations such as soups, salads or as a base for delicious canapes.

Bread is also used to eliminate bad smells from the refrigerator. After cleaning the fridge well, if it still has a bad smell, we put a piece of stale bread to absorb it.

Tea bags: aesthetic, medicinal and disinfectant

There are many uses that we can give to tea bags once we prepare a rich infusion. Thus, we can use those plants with anti-inflammatory action to apply topically in eruptions or to reduce inflammation of the eyes.

Another of its uses is to tone gray hair or reinforce vegetable dyes. In the fridge, shelves or drawers are powerful odor absorbers. Without the bag, the contents serve as compost for our plants.

Recycle, an excellent option

Recycle logo on grass background

In practice, if we want to get rid of all these reusable materials that tend to accumulate in the house, we can choose to recycle. Once the places where we can take them have been identified, discarding them in boxes identified by their color is the best.

The blue container is used for paper and cardboard, as long as they are free of food residues or other substances. In the green we will place the glass objects and the remains of food in the brown. The plastic and the cans are deposited in the yellow containers and in the gray ones the biodegradable matter goes.

These eight reusable materials that tend to accumulate in your home will become a significant money saver. With creativity and patience, you can make useful objects without having to make large investments.

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