Clay And Turmeric Poultice For Joint Pain

It is important to keep in mind that this remedy will be effective in case the joint pain is punctual. If there is an injury, it will only serve to relieve it temporarily

Do you often suffer from joint aches or pains? The elbow, the knee, the wrist, the ankle … All of these are sensitive points in our body that suffer from efforts, rough exercise or changes in the weather and in which we can easily injure ourselves.

In this article we introduce you to a simple and home remedy to reduce inflammation and joint pain.
To make it, you will only need two medicinal ingredients: red clay and turmeric.  

For those who suffer from joint pain

People with joint pain often take anti-inflammatory and pain relievers.
However, in many cases these lose effectiveness due to their continued use and, in addition, they have side effects. These become evident above all in the digestive system.

If we suffer from chronic pain, it is possible that there is a relationship with the liver or kidneys.
In this case, it would be important to purify these organs and then take a supplement with beneficial nutrients such as magnesium, silicon, chondroitin or glucosamine.

Clay benefits

The main ingredient in this home remedy is clay. This mud has been used since ancient times to treat many physical problems and even internal problems.

The use of clay works in two ways, outwards and inwards:

  • It absorbs and extracts toxic particles directly, through the skin, while eliminating excess fluids that cause inflammation.
  • Provides minerals, such as magnesium, silicon, iron or potassium, and facilitates cell regeneration.

For joint problems we recommend the use of red clay, very rich in iron and the most suitable for treating stiffness and inflammation. However, green could also help us.

Turmeric benefits


Turmeric is a spice with surprising medicinal benefits, whether we take it or apply it topically.
It is a great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and natural analgesic that does not cause side effects, therefore it is ideal for joint pain.
Its application on the skin helps us to calm any type of inflammation.

On the other hand, the consumption of turmeric helps to take care of the liver function, to improve digestion and to increase the defenses. Thus, it is used more and more in gastronomy since, although its flavor is mild, it serves as a food coloring similar to saffron. It is worth mentioning that it is much healthier than artificial colors.

Today we can find turmeric in powder, extract, tablets or the fresh root. For this poultice we will use turmeric powder.

An anti-inflammatory and pain reliever remedy

With this clay and turmeric-based remedy we can reduce joint inflammation and relieve pain.
However, we must emphasize that if there is an injury, the clay will not cure the problem, but will temporarily relieve us. 

This remedy is very effective for those who suffer pain in a timely manner, after having made a bad movement, an overexertion, etc.

The amount of the ingredients will depend on how large the area we want to treat is.

However, below we propose the usual proportions. If we have leftovers, we can keep it in the fridge for another use.


  • 2 tablespoons of finely powdered red or green clay (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder (10 g)
  • Mineral or filtered water, not from the tap



To prepare this remedy we cannot use plastic or metal containers or utensils, since they neutralize the therapeutic effects of the clay.
We will use them made of glass, wood or untreated clay.

We will follow the following steps:

  • We will mix the clay with the turmeric in a bowl.
  • We will add water very little by little, and we will stir the mixture so that it is not lumpy or too liquid.
  • It should be like a cream, easy to apply on the skin and not drip.
  • If we have leftovers, we can keep it in the fridge, closed or covered with a plastic so that it does not dry out.

How do we use it?

When we feel joint pain, we will act as follows:

  • First, we will apply a thick layer of the clay and turmeric poultice on the affected area.
  • We will let it act for 20 or 30 minutes, until it dries.
  • Finally, we will remove it with warm water.
  • If we wish, we can take the opportunity to apply an arnica-based lotion.

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