The Best Anti-aging Foods

The passage of time may or may not affect us … That depends on us. If we do not want to show off wrinkled skin, we can take advantage of the benefits of certain anti-aging foods. Rich, natural and nutritious.

Good skin health begins with a good diet. Do not forget! Read on and you will discover what these foods are.

The best anti-aging foods

There is no doubt: we all want to see ourselves several years younger when we reach a certain age. If you do not want to go under the knife and choose to eat a healthy diet, you will be able to show off young and radiant skin without problems.

Pay attention to the following anti-aging foods that we present to you in this article:

Olive oil

Anti-aging foods: olive oil

Among the anti-aging foods we highlight olives. Together with olive oil they provide us with a good amount of monounsaturated and oleic fatty acids. These improve arterial health by lowering blood pressure and regulating blood fat levels.

Olive oil is widely consumed in Mediterranean towns and therefore life expectancy is higher in this area. It keeps the skin hydrated and healthy if we add it to salads or any other dish. It is also delicious.

Do not forget that the best oil is the virgin of the first press. Also add some olives to your dishes from time to time.


Anti-aging foods: sushi

This oriental food has more and more followers in Europe. Therefore, once or twice a month, indulge in a few pieces of sushi.

It is a nutritious food that provides us with a good amount of nutrients. Above all, the selenium included in algae (a mineral with rejuvenating properties).

In addition, it is usually accompanied by soy sauce. This, consumed in small quantities, offers us unsaturated fats that act as antioxidants.

And we cannot forget the salmon or the fish that this recipe calls for. It  has omega 3 fatty acids that prevent damage caused by free radicals and that can be seen on the skin.


Garlic shares many properties with onion and that is why we cannot stop eating them together. They are two excellent anti-aging foods.

The volatile substances derived from sulfur are what cause the characteristic aroma of garlic. These are also our great ally in health and aesthetics.

The flavonoids they contribute (such as quercetin) quickly pass into the bloodstream. Afterwards, they are excreted through the skin and lungs. They can also thin the blood, regulate blood pressure and eliminate fungi and bacteria.


It is known for its orange color and the special flavor it brings to meals. Turmeric contains phytochemicals that act as anti-inflammatory and have anti-aging properties.

Thus, it delays premature aging and helps in times of stress. A pinch of turmeric in your favorite dishes and you will look much younger.


Looking for a perfect alibi for eating chocolate? Here is an ideal excuse: it is an antioxidant and prevents skin aging.

But be careful because you can’t eat tons of chocolate every day, and neither can any kind. To enjoy its benefits you will have to get the purest possible since cocoa is the architect of its anti-aging power.


Anti-aging foods: oats

You can use it as an ingredient in an exfoliating face mask. However, this cereal consumed for breakfast is used to lose weight and burn fat. In addition, by providing soluble fibers it allows us to eat less, eliminate stress and reduce nerves.

The avenin is its most important substance and the one in charge of making us look younger. It helps us to have radiant skin and, above all, a spectacular mood. Just what we need!

Serrano ham

This is an important food for its nutritional and protein value. Avoid the loss of muscle mass related to aging. As it has saturated and unsaturated fats, it is recommended to eat it in moderation.

It is a great source of minerals and vitamins. But be careful, because salt is also used in quantity for its preparation. It is not advised for those suffering from hypertension or heart problems).

You can eat serrano ham from time to time. Of course, try not to sauté it with oil so that it maintains its healthy virtues.


Anti-aging foods: berries

Red fruits in general have many antioxidants accumulated in such a small size. Hence its intense colors.

Berries are sources of many nutrients that reduce pain and swelling. In addition, they are rich in vitamins E and C, related to the health of the skin.

Feel free to consume them in juices, desserts and smoothies. We recommend you:

  • Blackberries.
  • Strawberries.
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Gooseberries

Cherries deserve a separate paragraph. They are packed with phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making them the best anti-aging fruit out there.

The cherry prevents joint problems related to the passage of time and also reduces muscle aches after exercising. It will keep not only the skin young, but also the heart, since it cleans the arteries of fat.


Broccoli or broccoli belongs to the family of sprouts (Brussels, white cabbage, kale, etc.). It has substances that prevent the appearance and expansion of tumors.

In addition , broccoli activates the elimination of toxins and cancer cells. To take advantage of all its functions, it is better to steam it. Otherwise, you will lose many nutrients, such as vitamin C.

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