5 Reasons Why You Have Gas All The Time

Stomach gas is one of the most common complaints out there. However, there are situations where they can be very uncomfortable. The reasons why you sometimes have gas are very varied , although one of the most important is diet.

In general, the discomfort you feel when you have gas is due more to the personal or the social, since they are expelled as burps or in the form of flatulence.   We all know that it is not pleasant at all to be in a meeting with friends or at home with the family at the time of gas.

If this is your case, review some of the gas triggers and, if possible, try to adopt some measures to control them. Also, if they occur simultaneously with other digestive symptoms, consult your doctor.

Do you have excess gas? Discover 5 possible causes

As Mayo Clinic experts emphasize , the presence of gas in the digestive system is completely normal. However, they can cause pain when they are not expelled or have difficulty moving through the digestive tract.

Now, this publication also agrees that its presence has to do with eating habits. Therefore, to address them, it is necessary to correct some errors in the diet. What should you keep in mind?

1. Watch your diet

Some of the factors that cause you to have gas, or that could cause this problem, are excessive consumption of fiber (or the lack of it), lactose, sodas or chewing gum, among others. The important thing is to know with which foods this type of crisis occurs, in order to avoid them in the future.

Coffee, food that can cause gas

Suffering from this type of intestinal spasms does not usually happen the same to all people. In fact, it will always depend on the tolerance of each person to certain foods .

That is why it is important to be attentive to what we have eaten before the gases appeared.   It is important to remember that we do not all process food in the same way. So just because a friend can’t eat seeds doesn’t mean you can’t either.

Among the foods most likely to cause you gas are:

  • The coffee.
  • Spicy like chili.
  • Sodas or alcoholic beverages.
  • Condiments like curry.
  • The cabbage and cabbage family.
  • Fatty or half-cooked foods.
  • Dairy products, including yogurt.
  • The grains (chickpeas, lentils or beans).
  • Nuts and fruits (apple, banana, peach and grapes).

2. Eat fast

Another reason why you have gas is associated with eating excessively fast and without giving yourself time to calmly chew what you are eating.

People who experience episodes of anxiety, nervousness, stress or binge eating may experience episodes of excess flatulence or belching.  Because of this, we recommend that you not only watch what you eat: make sure you take your time as well.

  • Remember to have a specific time to eat and do it calmly and calmly.

3. Medications

Medicines to relieve gas

According to a review published in Frontline Gastroenterology , taking some medications can cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Therefore, you are likely to experience episodes of intestinal gas when you start treatment. 

If so, talk to your doctor and ask if the two could be really related. If so, he will tell you if it is convenient to change the medication or will indicate a treatment to protect your stomach.

It is very important that, even if you see the relationship between gases and medications, you do not stop your treatments without notifying your doctor.

4. Bowel problems

Although it is very likely that the reasons why you have gas are related to your diet, it is advisable to observe the frequency with which it is happening.  AND n times, gas is a warning that something in your body is wrong.

For example, irritable bowel syndrome   is a symptom of excess gas at night. In fact, as highlighted by a publication in Best Practice & Research: Clinical Gastroenterology , this The syndrome includes gassy symptoms such as belching, flatulence, and bloating.

5. The work of intestinal bacteria

As it passes through our body, food makes an amazing journey.  When they go from the small intestine to the colon, the food is partially digested, which will cause the intestinal bacteria to act.

The moment these bacteria begin to work, gases can accumulate that will then seek to leave the body, as explained by research published in Gastroenterology & Hepatology .

What to do if there is excess gas?

If you have gas all the time and it is already something that is getting out of control, it is advisable to visit a gastroenterologist This is the right doctor to give an accurate diagnosis.

As we have seen, the reasons why you have gases are diverse, so we must pay attention to see what is causing them.

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