Sesame Seeds And Their Nutritional Contributions

Sesame seeds ( Sesamum indicum ), also known as sesame, come from  a plant native to Africa and India. Its spread in the world was due to the slave trade. They preferred to travel with their provisions to ensure sustenance wherever they arrived.

These seeds are of great protein value, they have a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids and minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium, very important for the body. In this space we will tell you the different types that exist and the benefits it brings to our health. Keep reading and find out more.

Types of sesame seeds

We are going to discuss the different types of sesame seeds that can be found.

Black sesame seeds

Baked pastry with black sesame seeds

Black sesame was the first known to mankind. These seeds contain the same nutritional properties as those of whole sesame, but they also provide us with high levels of antioxidants.

They are used for their flavor for products made in the oven, since when the seeds are toasted and ground they produce a very fragrant aroma and have an intense flavor. The highest quality sesame oil is made from these types of sesame seeds.

Sesame seeds in the shell, unpeeled or whole

These unpeeled sesame seeds come with the shell itself, which increases its nutritional values ​​compared to white seeds. Its calcium contribution is 8 times higher than that of white seeds. This nutrient is essential for bone health, according to a study published in Nutrients . It is considered one of the healthiest foods in the world.

Products made from unpeeled seeds, such as butter and tahini paste, tend to be darker and more bitter creams.

White sesame seeds

White sesame seeds are the most used, since they are used for buns, breads and other baked products, providing a crunchy texture.

They contain around 50% oil by weight. In China, white sesame is called ‘ mah chi’   and in Japan it is known as ‘ muki-gum ‘. It is an essential seasoning that adds a delicious flavor and aroma to dishes, as well as stimulating digestion and providing the beneficial properties of sesame.

Nutritional properties of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds


While it is true that they do not contain all the essential amino acids, sesame seeds, like legumes, are very rich in protein. By combining them with cereals, we can obtain a protein of high biological value. A good way to do this is by adding a few seeds to cereal muesli for breakfast.


U n of the star components of sesame seeds are, without a doubt, their essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6). These acids are the most important and beneficial for health, as stated by research published in the Annual Review of Food Science and Technology.

They are called essential fatty acids because our body cannot manufacture them and we need to ingest them through our diet. These fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system, since they reduce blood pressure and prevent diseases related to the poor condition of the arteries.


Another of the most remarkable properties of sesame seeds is their great contribution of fiber, a very special type of carbohydrate. Fiber is essential to maintain good intestinal health, since it  acts like a brush,  cleaning in depth  the elements that remain deposited on the intestinal walls.


Sesame seeds are particularly rich in B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, folic acid). These vitamins are essential for the good health of the skin and tissues, and therefore promote the proper functioning of the heart and muscles.

They also contain a significant amount of  vitamin E, one of the most antioxidant vitamins, capable of counteracting the effects of free radicals.


Sesame seeds contain numerous minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc. But the most remarkable thing is its extraordinary contribution of calcium. Sesame seeds are one of the richest sources of calcium that we can find.

Therefore, it is a crucial food that should not be missing in the diet of girls and boys, as well as in that of postmenopausal and pregnant women.

Sesame benefits

Recreation of blood vessel with red blood cells

These are the many benefits that we can add to our health with the regular consumption of these foods:

  • They protect the cardiovascular system  thanks to their polyunsaturated fatty acids that improve the condition of the arteries, causing a lower incidence of hypertension, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, etc.
  • Improves the state of diabetic people . According to some studies, such as the one published in the  Journal or Medical Foods , regular consumption of sesame seed oil reduces blood pressure and glucose level in hypertensive diabetics.
  • It would improve  depression  thanks to its extraordinary contribution of the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, which controls stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression and lack of energy.
  • They prevent  osteoporosis.  Studies show that it is thanks to the important contribution of calcium that the regular consumption of sesame seeds supposes.
  • It keeps us young . Its antioxidant vitamins and minerals keep the immune system in tip-top shape and fight free radicals.
  • They could protect the digestive system , thanks to the action of its fiber, protecting the mucous membranes and preventing the appearance of irritations (gastritis, heartburn, etc).
  • It would improve oral health.  According to Ayurveda (traditional Hindu medicine), leaving sesame oil in the mouth for a few minutes prevents the formation of cavities, gingivitis, dental plaque and bad breath.

Include seeds in the diet

Therefore, sesame seeds are a food of high nutritional value to incorporate into the plan of a healthy lifestyle, along with a varied and balanced diet and regular physical exercise.

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