6 Addictions That You Must Eliminate To Be Happier And Healthier

Although there are addictions that we do not recognize as such, when they prevent us from being happy we must consider, for our own good, removing them from our life .

What do we think of when we talk about addictions? Many may immediately think of drugs, but these are not the only ones that cause addictions in people.

Fast food, alcohol, smoking, excessive exercise , work and even feeling bad are on the list of addictions to be eliminated.

This list can be as long as you can imagine and can include even the most unexpected things.

But what causes these addictions? We can agree that addictions are an escape route that we use to avoid facing different situations that cause us discomfort .

Below you will see 6 addictions that you should avoid in order to be a happier person. This list will contain both material and psychological addictions, but rest assured that they are all equally harmful.

6 addictions that you must eliminate to be happier and healthier

1. Drugs

Obviously we must start with the best known, drugs.  These are part of the addictions that you should avoid due to addictive chemicals and the damage they inflict on your body.

Here we can include hallucinogens, those that generate an adrenaline rush or, on the contrary, cause a state of neutrality.

We also talk about alcohol or tobacco, which, although legal and permitted, cause great damage to health.

Are people who use drugs bad? No, even if it is, not at first. Like many others, these people only decided to try something new because they felt empty or bad – something that can happen to anyone.

Unfortunately, the sensation that the drug causes can overwhelm your will.

2. The food

Have you ever eaten by anxiety ? Your answer is probably yes, as this is very normal for many of us.

There are many types of food addicts. Some are attracted to sweet foods, while others “need” salty or junk foods .

There is no difference between them, since they use food to satisfy a feeling of inner emptiness.

This It can be caused by many factors, but anxiety and stress are the main . Another very common factor is the feeling of lack of affection.

A food addict may delude himself into thinking that nothing is really wrong and that everything is a craving. But you must go further and find out what is really affecting you.

3. Violence

Although it may sound a bit strange, there are those who are addicted to violence, both receiving it and giving it.

This type of addiction occurs because of afraid. It is important that you learn to recognize the type of violence you are getting used to and stop as soon as it occurs.

People who are subjected to violence are usually terrified of thinking one of the following phrases:

  • “If I walk away, who is going to love me?”
  • “They can hurt me much more if I decide to leave”
  • One of the most common is “What will everyone think when they know what happens?”

On the other hand, people who apply violence are often afraid to accept some internal feeling and, feeling frustrated by it, decide to drain their frustration physically.

However, it should be noted that although both are unfounded in fear, there is no real foundation for either.

You should not suffer because of someone else and it is simply not right to hurt someone out of desire or lack of control.

4. Lack of confidence in yourself

Thoughts like “I’m a fool for …”, “I’m not capable because …” and “I’ll never achieve anything …” are phrases that we can find in this category.

Many are the times that, without noticing it, we put barriers or limitations to our possibilities.  

When you say or think that you are not capable of something you are reinforcing that thought and only making it come true.

It is not always easy to believe in yourself, but you must strive to do so, as it is the only way to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

5. Blame the world for everything that happens to you

They say that to err is human, but blaming someone else for your mistakes is more human. We are constantly justifying mistakes that we commit one way or another.

Since it shouldn’t rain, the plane went ahead or the moon is retrograde.

We must face the fact that we are not perfect, so we make mistakes and many. Although we always try to avoid them, eventually we make mistakes and it is something that should not be an embarrassment to anyone.

Of the addictions to avoid, this is particularly important. Freeing yourself from it will help you in every possible way. .

If you have any other addiction, accept that this point is one of the main and most important steps for your recovery.

6. Feeling victim

Yes, being the victim is one of the most addictive things there is . It is even one of the reasons for falling into other addictions. Those who tend to feel like victims are constantly looking for:

  • Be the center of attention .
  • Understanding of others.
  • Suffering the consequences for something that makes them feel guilty.

Although this addiction may seem less dangerous than drugs or violence, it is just as harmful. These types of people usually cause situations to be recognized as victims and rarely seek to overcome it.

As you can see, falling into an addiction is not a matter of luck or destiny, it is a choice. Thus, people who are addicted can decide when to stop being addicted, although the process will be complex.  It is not an easy task, but accepting the help available is the best decision.

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