Is It Bad To Drink Cold Water?

Is it good or bad to drink cold water during exercise? Does it make it easier for us to regain our body temperature or would it harm us? Can it help us lose weight? And when we have a fever? On the other hand, how much water should we drink per day? How can we know if we drink enough?

Discover the answers to these concerns in this article so as not to harm your health. Here we explain the truth about this simple and natural habit that can benefit us so much.

Does drinking cold water benefit us?

For starters, there are specialist doctors who recommend the consumption of cold water especially after exercising.  The explanation is that it regulates the body temperature.

There are other times when cold water is often used, and in this case, it is wrong. For example, when the fever rises, we tend to submerge the body in cold water. Instead, warm or slightly hot water would be appropriate.

Otherwise, cold water can cause chills and a rise in temperature as a defensive reaction of the body. In this case drinking it causes the same negative result.

However, we should also point out that, to this day, research continues in this regard. Often the results may vary, as there are many conditioning factors, such as the climate or the genetics of each person. For this reason, it is also essential to always listen to your own body and see how it reacts.

Cold water

But how much water?

We have heard many times that we should consume enough water. The recommended measure, as a general rule, is two liters a day.

If we go beyond that measure or fall short, then we will be susceptible to certain health problems. However, as each person is different,  the best indicator of whether enough water is consumed is urine .

What does urine tell us?

  • If it is dark, you are consuming little water.
  • If it is light in color, you are getting enough.
  • It should be borne in mind that the urine in the morning (just woke up) is somewhat darker.

Thirst as an indicator

Another way to detect it is thirst. When the body says that it is thirsty, we can almost say that it is late, that we are dehydrated. At that time you have to drink, and it does not matter if the water is hot or cold.

The aspect that really influences our health is the quantity and quality of water. Most of the water we consume should be natural, without artificial flavors (additives such as mint leaves, lemon slices, etc. are allowed). And, of course, without sweeteners.

Juices and infusions should be considered part of the recommended daily amount. They are a good complement to keep us hydrated, especially in hot weather.

The benefits of drinking cold water

For starters, the main advantage when consuming any liquid is hydration. But more in particular, drinking cold water gives us specific benefits of its temperature :

  • Helps to lose weight: Although there is no scientific evidence to certify it, it is believed that by consuming cold water, the body temperature decreases and the body uses calories to stabilize it again.
  • Lower body temperature: After exercising, body temperature rises and drinking cold water helps stabilize it, as we have said in the first point.

More experiments are still needed to determine whether drinking cold water is good or bad. Some studies point to its lack of recommendation as simply a religious prejudice. However, it is better to consult your GP first, be careful with the temperature, just in case!

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