International Nursing Day: Leading The World Towards Health

International Nursing Day was established in 1974, but its antecedents can be traced back to 1965, when, without the declaration of a special day, it was already being celebrated. It is true that since the 1970s, May 12 was elected.

The original initiative responds to an official of the United States government during the administration of President Eisenhower. Almost a decade after her, the body known as the International Council of Nursing (ICN) began the annual celebration.

Not all countries adhere to International Nursing Day on the same day, that is, on May 12. Some geographic areas have their own calendar milestones to celebrate nurses.

In any case, the meaning and figure behind International Nursing Day almost always falls on Florence Nightingale. May 12 is the date of his birth, and that is why it was chosen as a reference.

For this year 2020, the motto “Leading the world towards health” was chosen . In addition, it coincides with the declaration made by the World Health Organization (WHO) of 2020 as the International Year of Nursing, recalling the 200 years of the birth of Nightingale.

Florence Nightingale on International Nursing Day

The figure of Florence Nightingale is inescapable in the nursing profession. His birth dates back to May 12, 1820. He was born in Florence, Italy, to wealthy parents.

It was her social position that made her vocation to be a nurse difficult. At that time, this work was reserved for lower-class or working-class women. The plan for Nightingale was for his family to pursue cultural studies and marry.

Despite opposition, she became a nurse and had an outstanding job as such in the Crimean War, where she landed in 1854. Her role was to manage a field hospital for the war wounded.

The health management activities he carried out there were decisive in his career. Florence decreased the high mortality of wounded military personnel by applying basic hygiene, organization, ventilation and wound healing measures. With few, but precise decisions, he changed the pathological evolution of many men.

For his work, in England he received the Royal Red Cross in 1883 and the Order of Merit in 1907, to die three years later. From there, his figure was linked to world nursing forever.

international nursing day

What is nursing?

In the framework of International Nursing Day, and reviewing the story of Florence Nightingale, it is worth asking what nursing is. Its duties? An activity that involves many relevant aspects tends to be underestimated.

If we follow the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), we will say that this profession encompasses health care for all ages and all social groups, sick or healthy. This means that there are no limits, nor is it an activity typical of diseased populations. Nursing plays a key role in disease prevention.

In any case, patient care continues to be a primary role. A great problem looms in the public health of countries that do not have the adequate staff in the number of nurses per patient beds.

The qualities of nurses

nursing care

There are many qualities that the profession contains. On International Nursing Day, reviewing them shows the importance of these professionals for health systems. You cannot think of health facilities without them.

Among those involved in patient care, nurses have incredible flexibility. Their schedules are usually rotating, and the attention that is required of them at any time is maximum. Not to mention the weekends they must dedicate to their work.

In terms of communication, they are usually the first and last to hear from people going through pathological processes of suffering. They listen to them and advise them, generating an empathy without which the profession would be impossible.

This entails the need for noticeable emotional stability. It is not easy to bear the concerns of others, especially in the field of health, and much less in patients who may be terminal. Just as they listen to the patient, they also lend their ear to the families.

Recognize International Nursing Day

Both governments and communities in general can take advantage of this day to recognize the importance of nurses. Its role is key in the assembly of health systems, and its delivery is out of the question.

Different activities are carried out for International Nursing Day, to which we can join in a virtual way if we are in confinement. Letting them know that they are important never hurts.

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