How To Hydrate Dry Skin With Homemade Products

Dry skin is a condition that not only affects the dermis and,  although it is not a serious problem, it can be annoying for those who have it. To hydrate the skin you can undertake daily care from different homemade products that will help you moisturize it.

Good care for dry skin can be done at home with natural products. Thanks to them we can clean it, hydrate it, exfoliate it and tone it.

Pay a lot of attention! Next we will explain the recipes and how to use them.

            Do not forget to read : 8 benefits you get by including yogurt in your diet

First, almond oil to hydrate

moisturize dry skin with almonds

If your skin is dry, what better way to start hydrating it than with a natural component? The first natural product par excellence for the care of your skin is almond oil. Besides being an excellent choice, it is easy to find in any perfumery.

First of all, almond oil has a high content of fatty acids and antioxidants, these properties are derived from the content of vitamins A (which according to this study by the Dessau Medical Center, is beneficial for the skin) and E, which such and as this research carried out by the SMHS Hospital of Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, in India affirms, it plays an important protective role in the epithelial area.

Now we will learn how to prepare a moisturizer so that your face does not look dry again.


  • 2 cups of hot water (500 ml)
  • Half a tablespoon of almond oil (7.5 gr)


  • A cloth
  • A hand towel

Application mode

  • With the hot water, moisten your face.
  • Next, pour in the almond oil and rub it on your hands.
  • Bring your hands to your face and massage it in circular motions.
  • Do these movements for a couple of minutes, then dip the hand towel in the hot water.
  • Wring the towel well and place it on your face, being careful not to burn yourself. Leave it until it reaches room temperature.
  • Finally, clean your face with the cloth and repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

You may also be interested in:  8 benefits you get by including yogurt in your diet

Second, a yogurt-based moisturizer with mashed potato

hydrate dry skin

When you want to hydrate your dry skin, using a mixture of homemade products such as yogurt and potato is an excellent choice, since yogurt has lactic acid. This ingredient, according to information obtained from the Farma-QuĂ­mica Sur medical department of the Illustrious Official College of Pharmacists of Granada (Spain), satisfies the hydration of the skin, in addition to serving to eliminate dead cells and as a natural exfoliant.

On the other hand, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the supposed benefits of potatoes for the skin. If you still want to use it:


  • A cup of yogurt (200 gr)
  • 3 tablespoons of mashed potato (60 gr)

Application mode

  • Combine the yogurt with the mashed potatoes, so that it is a homogeneous mixture.
  • Apply directly to the face and cover up to the neck.
  • Let the mask sit for 20 minutes and remove it with warm water.You will see a completely new skin!
  • Repeat this home treatment twice a week.

Third, a natural moisturizer, clay

Clay has numerous properties, including antibacterial, according to research carried out by the University of Zaragoza. These compounds  would clean the deep layers of the skin, which would favor the good appearance of the epithelial layer.

However, for this purpose, powdered white clay is preferred. Therefore, be careful not to mix it with the water from the beginning. In this way you make sure you can prepare it according to the amount you are going to use with always effective results.


  • A cup of water (250 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons of powdered white clay (50 gr)
  • 1 cucumber

Application mode

  • First, mix the powdered clay with the water until it is an emulsified and well integrated mixture.
  • Peel and cut the cucumber into slices and add it to the previous mixture.
  • Mix with your hands until a very doughy consistency is achieved.
  • Apply to your face, cover up to the neck, and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Its tendency to harden is what will make your face finish with the desired smoothness.
  • Use this mask 3 times a week and your face will remain soft and hydrated.

Finally, hydrate your skin using eggs

Considered a homemade product par excellence, the egg has an optimal natural structure to hydrate dry skin. It contains vitamin E (which we have already talked about) and vitamin B12. The deficiency of the latter, according to research conducted by Saveetha University, could cause various skin disorders, so including it in our mask is more than recommended.

In this mask we will mix them with oats to achieve a more effective formula.


  • 2 eggs
  • Half a cup of rolled oats (25 gr)


  • A brush

Application mode

  • First mix the eggs with the oat flakes until they are completely integrated.
  • With the help of a brush, apply the mask all over your face. Make sure it’s smooth.
  • Let it act for 15 minutes and remove with warm water.
  • Finally, repeat the application twice a week and you will see amazing results.

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