5 Keys That Show That You Have Intuitive Intelligence

Intuitive intelligence is current. Far is the weight of that rational approach based on a logical and analytical analysis of our reality that, generally, is quantified through the IQ. Today we are already talking about multiple intelligences. Each person is skilled in one or more dimensions, and that is where our greatness lies and, in turn, our power to succeed in life.

Now, authors like Howard Gardner speak of the importance of human intuition. Instead of seeing this dimension as unscientific, we are already talking about a really valuable concept. Because whoever attends to their intuition manages to connect with their authentic being,  with their previous experience, with their emotions and with that “sixth sense” that invites us to give more creative responses in our surroundings.

5 keys that show that you have intuitive intelligence

Next, we propose you a challenge. We offer you 5 keys that show that you have intuitive intelligence. In contrast to that more logical, more rational approach, this approach is multi-channel and multi-sensory. Here are the keys:

1. Intuitive intelligence attends and understands emotions

intuitive intelligence

Albert Einstein used to say that the only really valuable thing is intuition. Those thoughts that come to us from the unconscious world to the conscious are like a gift from the brain. And of course, they do not respond to something fortuitous. They are the reflection of that person who knows how to perfectly connect his emotional world, that of experience and that of his sixth sense.

Now, the subject of emotions is, without a doubt, a fundamental aspect. Understanding what worries us, blocks us, angers us or excites us provides us with a full and authentic knowledge about ourselves. It is very difficult for those who do not know themselves to generate creative ideas or make the right decisions according to their needs.

True intuition comes from self-confidence. Only when we are in full balance with who we are and what we feel will we apply authentic intuitive intelligence on a day-to-day basis .

2. You trust your hunches

Let’s clarify, first, an important point. A hunch is not magic, it is not precognition or a spiritual voice giving us advice.

  • A hunch is the voice of our unconscious. It is a quick response to a specific moment where we need to react.
  • When we feel a presentiment it is nothing more than that unconscious world becoming conscious to help us.

To understand it better, we will give you an example:

  • You know a person, but a hunch tells you that it is better to avoid them. Do not start a friendship or even less a relationship. Why do we feel this? Should we heed?

When this type of sensation rises to our mind, it is our own intuition giving us a message. It does so based on our previous experiences, our personality, emotions, and feelings. It is as if we have opened our experiential “trunk” to find the answer.

3. You are an observer and do not allow yourself to be carried away by other people’s judgments

There are those who distrust intuitive intelligence. Who thinks that it is not correct to be carried away by these thoughts, these sensations. However, authors like  Decision-making expert Robin M. Hogarth, author of “Educating Intuition,” tells us the following:

  • Intuitive people are very observant.
  • They have a critical view of things, they are not influenced.
  • When making a decision, they trust their intuition, in all the sensations that may come to them from any focus, from any stimulus.

However, after listening to intuition, they always make a logical and conscious decision. Intuition is, therefore, an essential starting point.

4. You enjoy moments in solitude

Loneliness favors that needed connection with oneself. Only then are we able to analyze our thoughts, to understand our emotions … People with intuitive intelligence make frequent contact with their inner world, through meditation. Something like this is only achieved in solitude, enjoying oneself and, later, connecting more effectively with our environment.

5. You have learned to “interpret signals”

By interpreting signals we mean very specific aspects. You know when is the best opportunity to do something. You perceive when they lie to you, when it is necessary to act, when to end a relationship or a specific responsibility. Here are 3 fundamental ideas:

  • Heeding the signals is being sensitive and paying attention to your surroundings.
  • It is having an experience from which you have learned, which has allowed you to be wiser and, in turn, to trust yourself.
  • Heeding the signs means being brave to take the step. To promote that change, to start a new stage, to be happier.

Generally, the sixth sense is fully developed in people between the ages of 40 and 50. It is when we already have an experiential baggage and when we have more confidence in ourselves to initiate changes in search of our happiness. Intuition, like the sixth sense, can be learned, and there are no differences between men and women either. We all can and should make use of these dimensions.

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