7 Keys To Lose Weight While You Sleep

Overweight and obesity have become a public health problem. In addition, they are the main triggers of serious diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. That is why it is essential to maintain a correct weight. Likewise, if you are overweight, don’t worry. In this article we will teach you how to lose weight while you sleep!

Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are its best known causes, but there are also other factors that have a lot to do with it. Among these, the habit of sleeping stands out, which would have an important relationship with the rate of metabolism and its ability to help lose weight.

What is worrying the experts on the subject is that more and more patients are having difficulties falling asleep or getting adequate hours of sleep. Apparently,  this is conditioned by previous sleeping habits, including the type of diet and the time of dinner.

The balance between food and sleep is essential to maintain a stable weight or even lose weight. Therefore, it would be nice to start including several tricks in the night routine. Here we share 7 of them so that you take them into account every night. Get to know them!

7 tips to lose weight while you sleep

Next, we will show you what you can do to lose weight while you sleep. Take good note and keep reading to the end. You’ll be surprised!

1. Eat foods rich in tryptophan

Eat foods rich in tryptophan

Tryptophan is a precursor to melatonin, which is responsible for regulating sleep and wake cycles. On the other hand, it is related to the increase in serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that influences the regulation of appetite (according to this study from the National Institute of Pediatrics of Mexico), anxiety, moods and sleep. This compound is present in several foods, almost all of animal origin:

  • Milk and its derivatives
  • The eggs
  • The meat
  • Fish
  • The banana

Just adding a quarter of a gram of this substance to dinner makes  you more likely to get a good night’s sleep and lose weight while you sleep.

2. Avoid distractors

Little sleep can promote fat gain, according to this study by Stanford University (United States). To maintain its adequate levels, you must ensure a quiet night, without those distractors that tend to shorten your hours of sleep. Above all, avoid elements such as:

  • The television
  • The computers
  • The smartphones and tablets

3. Avoid eating excessive amounts

lose weight

Going to sleep on an empty stomach is not recommended, but it is also not a good idea to overeat before you do. You will not rest and the food that cannot be burned will turn into fat. Remember that your goal is to lose weight!

A perfect dinner is one that provides between 15 and 25% of the necessary daily calories. Exceeding this limit could influence weight gain and sleep problems. The problem is that the body becomes overloaded with the digestion process, which can lead to discomfort and difficulty sleeping. The worst part is that the metabolism slows down and doesn’t work at a good pace the next day.

4. Avoid dining too late

Dinners that are too late are related to obesity as  eating late results in lower energy expenditure and a tendency to overindulge in calories. It is advisable to eat dinner at least three hours before going to bed so that the body has time to carry out the digestion process.

Many diets fail because people consume few calories at breakfast and lunch but overindulge at dinner. You can spend the day eating little and even starving somewhat. However, if you eat a lot of dinner and late you are not going to lose weight while you sleep, you will gain it.

5. Consume herbal teas

lose weight

One of the best nighttime habits to get a good night’s sleep and lose weight while you sleep is to consume an infusion just before going to bed. These not only induce deep sleep, but also help to relax the body and calm the appetite. The recommended ones are:

  • Chamomile
  • The Mint
  • Lavender
  • Valerian
  • Linden
  • Peppermint

6. Physical activity is very important to lose weight

Although it is not recommended to exercise just before sleeping, it is important to practice it every day, at least two or four hours before going to bed. Physical activity relaxes the body and reduces stress, according to this study by the University of Texas.

7. Keep your room dark

lose weight

When you go to bed, make sure the whole room is dark so you don’t interrupt your sleep. Light slows the release of a hormone called melatonin. This is released in the body to relax it and induce rest, according to this research from the Pan American Health Organization.

If possible, try to avoid exposure to strong light sources in the hour before going to sleep.

Start to appropriate all these daily habits and see for yourself that they have a lot to do with your metabolism and your weight. Of course, for weight loss to happen, you will have to make other adjustments to your lifestyle.

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