Guide For The Baby’s First Days At Home

A baby at home can bring a bit of uncertainty to parents. After delivery, the newborn and the mother have full support and care from the doctor, nurses and family during the stay in the clinic or hospital. However, when it comes time to go home, new parents are filled with anxiety and many doubts.

The baby is a defenseless being, therefore, it is essential that, as a parent, you know how to act in those 28 days in which the baby is considered as a newborn . It is important to know the changes, the characteristics and the possible alterations that it may have in this period of time.

Professionals affirm that the best tools to survive the first weeks will be the instinct, affection and common sense of the parents. In addition, adaptation will be the basis so that the first days at home do not turn into chaos.

Baby at home: how to adapt?

Caring for a baby at home

The birth of a baby is an experience of immense happiness for the whole family. Yet at the same time, it is a new adventure that can be scary for new parents.

The first thing parents have to know is that their routine is going to change completely and that planning will be key so that stress does not take over . They will have to establish routines, schedules and activities that allow them to spend time with the baby and also to rest.

Give mother and baby space

When the mother gets home, she wants to share with her new family, husband and son  and adapt to the new moments that they will live together. Therefore, the space that this new home needs should not be invaded.

By keeping the child for nine months in the womb, the baby was in a warm environment, with dim light and accompanied by the confidence and security that his mother generates. Once it is born, it faces a change in environment, sounds, temperature and sensations.

You need to understand your feelings, anxieties, and anxiety about the unknown. In this way, the adaptation process of the new family will be enjoyable in every way.

The baby does not need to be held, touched, moved, or invaded his space . Right now, what he needs most is the company of his mother, who creates calm and security for him.

Organize the baby’s room at home

Baby's room.

By designing the nursery at home, create a warm, relaxing, comfortable environment adapted to your needs . Think about the functional room layout for you and your partner. When choosing colors, remember neutral tones so as not to upset your baby. For example, sky blue, melon, light green, and pastel yellow are shades that create a sense of peace and tranquility.

Make sure you have the clearance of obstacles to avoid tripping. Children have an uncontrollable urge to pry their surroundings, so avoid all dangers. That is, do not leave objects that can be put in the mouth or with which they can hurt themselves. Create an environment free of potential hazards in which you can move around safely .

Distinguish what is necessary from what is dispensable . Keep the basics in mind, taking into account that in his bedroom there are three actions that you are going to carry out around the baby: dressing him, changing him and putting him to bed. Therefore, the three essential things that your room should have are the crib, the changing table and the closet.

Collaborate in those tasks that the mother demands

After delivery, the mother needs a  lot of support , as she will not be able to do some household chores . For example, a mother with a newborn child cannot clean the house because she is in a quarantine stage where she only has to recover and take care of her child.

At no time can the child be left alone and we know that, like his mother, he also needs to bathe and rest. For this reason, you need the company of someone to be able to do these things without fear that something could happen to the baby.

In this sense, it is important that the mother is not alone at home and has the support of close people , whether husband, mother or aunt. Beyond the physical support they can give her, moral and sentimental support is also important to encourage her and raise her mood.

Avoid so many visits

We know that everyone wants to meet the newborn. However, for the child it is not good that so many people are around him , because they cause fatigue and stress. In this case, set visiting hours and prevent the child from being overloaded.

There is no doubt that the arrival of a new member of the family is synonymous with happiness. However, the first few days the relatives can participate by collaborating with things that the mother allows and needs.

The excitement of your baby’s first days at home

Mother hugging her newborn.

A baby at home need not worry. After nine months of waiting, the little one finally arrives home and we know that it is a joy for the whole family to meet the new member. However, the first days of the baby at home should be calm, since he will be in a process of adaptation.

These first days are really important for the mother to learn to organize herself and give all the affection and love to her child. But he also needs sentimental and physical support to face this new stage in the best way. Therefore, giving her words of encouragement and not overwhelming her is the best support that family and friends can provide. In this way, she will feel confident in what she is doing and will play an excellent role as a mother.

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