Bodyweight Training: What Is It And What Are Its Benefits?

Bodyweight training  routines have gained popularity, as there are many testimonials about their benefits. This type of training, which proposes taking advantage of your own body weight instead of machines, is ideal for those who want to be in shape from anywhere.

And it is that, contrary to what many think, it is not strictly necessary to use gym tools to develop muscular endurance and strengthen the body. With the proper application of some postures it is possible to stylize the figure and improve physical condition without leaving home.

What is bodyweight training?

You may not have heard about bodyweight training, but you have heard about calisthenics or bodyweight exercises. Well, this type of training consists of just that: doing a routine with exercises in which the body works against gravity, in such a way that the own weight is the tool to strengthen the muscles.

Simply put, you don’t need to use gym equipment, weights, or special equipment. The body (and perhaps a mat or a couple of bars) is enough to work the different muscle groups. It is even an effective way to increase muscle strength and firmness.

Benefits of bodyweight training

The popularity of bodyweight training  does not come only from its followers. There is scientific evidence, such as a study published in Current Sports Medicine Reports , that supports its multiple benefits for health and to improve aesthetics. We will detail it below.

Benefits of bodyweight training in a man.

Increase physical endurance

One of the main benefits of bodyweight  training is that it increases physical resistance. Since it involves a wider variety of movements, the body is forced to work several muscle groups at the same time.

In addition, these routines usually combine cardio and strength exercises, which allow you to have a healthy weight and a better physical condition.

Strengthens and increases muscle mass

A widely held belief among people is that you need weights and other tools to be able to work your body in order to gain muscle mass. However, weight training is also effective in building muscle, even in less time.

Often this training consists of so-called closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercises that are characterized by encompassing more compound movements. In these, one of the extremities (be it the hand or the foot) is fixed on a firm surface and cannot move.

Therefore, the body involves more muscle groups and joints simultaneously, which allows their strengthening. In turn, as stated in an article published in The Journal of Physical Therapy Science , it improves joint stability and increases muscle strength.

Contributes to weight loss

The combination of cardiovascular and strength exercises is ideal for those looking to lose weight. In this sense, bodyweight training  turns out to be a great option, since routines are made up of both ways.

In addition, since it strengthens and increases muscle mass, it promotes metabolism and helps increase energy expenditure.

Promotes general well-being

Like other forms of physical exercise, bodyweight training contributes to improving overall health. Its regular practice reduces the risk of chronic diseases, such as those associated with metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity and heart disease).

It also improves self-esteem, reduces states of anxiety and stress, as well as other mental health conditions. A publication in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine endorses these benefits, adding that it also prevents sleep disturbances and fatigue.

Lowers the risk of injury

Other sports disciplines and training sessions are usually complemented with exercises with the body itself. For what reason? This type of routine helps to increase the stability of the torso, due to the abdominal and lumbar work.

They are even ideal for increasing flexibility and coordination. Together, these elements are key to avoiding possible injuries.

Allows you to train from anywhere

Of course, an advantage of bodyweight  training is that you do not need special equipment to practice it. Nor is it necessary to travel to a gym or a specific site. It can be done both at home and in parks or places of preference.

And while it is important to plan your routine in advance and set goals, the schedule is flexible and accommodates as long as you can have free. Some forms of bodyweight training are as follows:

  • Tabata training.
  • HIIT training.
  • Circuits

It adapts to all audiences

Weight training is the starting point for many exercise routines. There are several variants and, therefore, it is ideal for beginners and athletes at advanced levels.

The important thing is to apply a good technique to each exercise to obtain results and prevent injuries. In case of doubt, it is advisable to consult a professional trainer.

As a general rule, sedentary people should start with gentle, low-impact routines, while increasing their fitness level. Then they can gradually increase resistance, until completing more complex workouts.

No equipment is needed for bodyweight training.

Bodyweight training: how to start practicing it?

It does not require more than the body itself and a lot of willpower to start practicing bodyweight training. Workouts in Beginner, Medium, or Advanced mode are available right now.

You can find them on mobile fitness apps, YouTube, or online pages. Some recommended exercises are the following:

  • Exercises plate or  plank .
  • Squats or squats .
  • Bridge or glute bridges .
  • Push-ups or push-ups .
  • Burpees .
  • Dominated or pull-up’s.

Remember to find a space where you can train in complete comfort. On the other hand, make sure you wear appropriate clothing and stay hydrated.

If you have any illness or injury, consult your doctor before starting any training plan. Finally, consider that the objectives are achieved with time and perseverance. Do not give up!

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