Lemon Therapy To Promote Your Liver Health

Due to its extensive responsibilities, the liver is very often affected by viruses, toxic substances, pollutants, poor diet and, of course, disease. Therefore, maintaining good liver health is paramount. Thanks to this, we can enjoy cleaner blood, better digestions and also have a much stronger and healthier immune system.

As you already know, the simple fact of maintaining a healthy, varied and balanced diet can do a lot for our liver. However, on this occasion, we want to recommend that you never dispense with an essential food: lemon.

We give you three reasons why this citrus supports your liver health.

Lemon to take care of your liver health

liver health

1. Lemon can nourish the deficiencies that our liver suffers every day

To maintain proper liver health we need minerals and vitamins that allow liver cells to obtain energy  and protect themselves from harmful agents that make them sick or destroy them.

  • Lemon provides vitamin C, essential to strengthen our defenses and deal with those viruses and bacteria that make the liver sick.
  • Lemon therapy, based almost exclusively on drinking a glass of water with citrus juice on an empty stomach, mineralizes liver tissues by providing a large number of antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Lemon also acts as a good natural anti-inflammatory. Thanks to it, we can gradually improve the effects caused by a fatty liver.

2. Lemon purifies the liver

Lemon is a scrubber that we should not do without. Indeed, it allows us to detoxify the body and deal with the free radicals that attack our cells.

  • We must also bear in mind that regular consumption of lemon juice can optimize the functions of the gallbladder.  With this, we will favor our digestions thanks to the correct segregation of bile. In this way the nutrients are absorbed much better.
  • Lemon also helps us purify the intestines. Thanks to this therapy with lemon, less toxic will reach the bloodstream, having healthy and clean intestines where nutrients pass better.

3. Lemon is an alkaline agent that takes care of our liver

Lemon is one of the best alkaline fruits that nature has given us. It allows us to restore the body’s pH balance to protect ourselves from the attack of free radicals and, in turn, promote both liver and kidney function.

  • The liver is also an essential organ when it comes to filtering toxins present in the blood. In addition, the liver will be able to cope with this internal purification thanks to antioxidants and vitamin C.

    Lemon therapy as an ally against fatty liver

    One of the most common diseases associated with the liver is hepatic steatosis. It is an ailment in which fatty acids and triglycerides accumulate in our liver cells. Among other symptoms, the liver becomes inflamed and digestions become heavy.

    • Fatty liver disease affects a good part of the population and, although it sometimes has its origin in alcohol-related problems, eating a poor diet is a factor to take into account.
    • Lemon is a very suitable way to promote the regeneration of liver cells. It can help reduce inflammation while helping to destroy fatty acids.
    • The antioxidants and vitamin C in lemon also help us reduce cholesterol levels, while improving digestion.

    Lemon therapy may help us overcome this disease. In any case, remember that you should go to the doctor to prevent it from leading to something more serious: cirrhosis.

    How to carry out lemon therapy

    lemon therapy for liver health

    Warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach


    • 1 lemon
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • Simply. Mix a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon. Now, it is possible that the fact of consuming the juice of a lemon on an empty stomach seems something “strong” for your body.
    • Therefore, it is about finding that point where your body can accept this remedy. To do this, you can include the juice of half a lemon instead of a whole one.

    A tablespoon of oil with a few drops of lemon juice


    • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (16 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)


      • If drinking lemon juice does not suit you on an empty stomach, this tablespoon of olive oil and lemon will be much easier for you to take, and it is just as healthy to help you take care of your liver health.
      • This remedy helps to cleanse and strengthen both the liver and the gallbladder. In addition, it can help you fight against the accumulation of toxins and strengthen the immune system.

      Feel free to try it. However, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor if you have liver problems and if you are going to apply this remedy or any other natural remedy. Also, never forget that there is no silver bullet.

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