8 Recommendations For A Healthy Diet That You Are Going To Love

A very healthy way to improve your diet without losing taste is to include aromatic herbs and spices instead of salt. In addition to gaining in health you will discover a world of new flavors

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a task that can be difficult for some people.

Having to control calories, check the quality of food and choose the best nutritional sources are habits that, at first, are difficult to adopt.

The problem is that we have many misconceptions in mind about the ideal diet that push us to make mistakes in eating.

For example, there are those who think they have the best diet only because they base it on foods labeled “light” or “zero fat.”

There are also those who cut out food groups or, worse still, skip some of the main meals in order to save calories.

The truth of the case is that it is proven that a healthy diet is one that contains all the nutrients, in their proper measure and with the calories necessary for each of the body’s functions.

So, we have compiled 8 interesting recommendations that will help you to eat a healthy diet.

Discover them!

How to eat a healthy diet?

1. Eat varied and just right

Diet for every day

One of the secrets to enjoying a healthy and complete diet is to enjoy variety, but measure the portions.

It is not about always eating the same thing, but about knowing how to take advantage of different nutritional sources to enjoy delicious and different dishes.

Also, instead of serving large quantities in a single main meal, it is convenient to eat 5 or 6 meals a day.

2. Don’t cut fat

The biggest mistake people who want to improve their diet make is cutting out all dietary sources of fat.

While it is true that they are the foods that provide the most calories, it is not correct to stop eating them completely.

Some types of fat are necessary for the body and, in fact, help to eliminate harmful lipids that affect health.

This is the case of omega 3 fatty acids, contained in foods such as:

  • The olive oil.
  • Avocado
  • The dried fruits.
  • The seeds.
  • Flax oil.
  • The blue fish.

3. Eat fewer sources of animal protein

Animal protein

Daily protein intake is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and maintaining muscle mass.

Although sources of animal origin are the easiest to acquire, it is recommended to reduce their consumption and opt for vegetables.

Animal protein contains more fat and is therefore more difficult to digest. On the other hand, those of vegetable origin provide fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients that even  contribute to repopulate the bacterial flora of the intestine.

4. Limit the consumption of sweets and sugars

Sweets and all sources of refined sugar are the number one enemy of health and weight.

These are listed as one of the main causes of metabolic disorders and, if that were not enough, their relationship with several types of cancers has been proven.

The most worrying thing is that they are highly addictive and the more they are ingested, the greater the need to eat them again.

5. Reduce your salt intake


Consuming too much salt is also linked to health problems such as fluid retention, inflammatory disorders, and hypertension.

In recent years there has been a call to reduce its consumption, especially since most people consume up to 5 times more than the adequate amount.

A simple way to replace it is by opting for other healthy seasonings like herbs, vinegar, and turmeric.

6. Consume more water

Whatever the eating plan recommended by the nutritionist, it must contain, at least,  the intake of 2 liters of water per day.

This liquid is essential to hydrate the body and activate the functioning of its main systems.

In addition, it helps to minimize the negative effects of free radicals and influences the condition of the skin.

7. Choose organic foods

Vegetable vegetables)

Organic foods have 100% of their nutritional properties, they have not been subjected to refining processes and neither have they been in contact with pesticides.

Although they are sometimes a bit more expensive than industrial ones, it is worth investing to get all the benefits.

8. Eat raw fruits and vegetables

Raw fruits and vegetables concentrate all of their nutrients and are much more beneficial for the body.

Its consumption helps to lose weight, improves digestion and favors the body’s detoxification processes.

Are you ready to improve your eating habits? Follow each of the tips listed here and discover that you can eat a healthy diet without sticking to strict plans.

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