7 Surprising Uses Of Honey

Honey is a medicinal ingredient that we can use as an adjuvant against different problems. We invite you to discover some of its most popular applications. Keep them in mind!

Most of us are familiar with many of the uses for honey. This natural ingredient has been a part of alternative medicine since ancient times. In fact, due to the evidence on its properties, it is one of the few natural remedies accepted in the medical community.

Of course, it is not a first-line treatment and it is not a substitute for conventional medications. However, in many cases, it is a good adjunct to control symptoms or help improve the recovery process. Do you want to know more about it?

Choose honey well

Handmade honey pot.

Not all honeys are the same. Today we can find many varieties and different qualities in any supermarket, some at very low prices.

However, in order for it to preserve all its medicinal properties, we must choose a raw honey that has not been subjected to high temperatures, which is confirmed if the honey is solidified or crystallized.

At home, we can put it in a water bath so that it becomes liquid. It should also be a honey of the highest possible quality, natural or organic, to ensure that no chemicals have been added to preserve it.

1. Heal wounds

One of the most widespread uses of honey is as a topical treatment for burns and wounds. Its constant application improves the appearance of the skin and prevents infections.

In a study published in the Wisconsin Medical Society, they found that honey can even help treat diabetic foot ulcers. 

  • You just have to let the honey dry on the wound and repeat the application until it improves.

    2. Mask for the skin

    Honey can act as a natural ingredient to maintain the natural hydration of the skin. Unlike oils, it prevents the skin from drying out without giving it an oily texture, which makes it the perfect component for a mask suitable for all skin types: dry, combination and oily.

    Acne-prone skin can also benefit from it, as it has antibacterial properties. In addition, as highlighted by a review published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology , it helps regulate pH and favors the relief of wounds and burns.

    • We will put a layer of honey all over our face and let it act for half an hour. Then we will rinse the skin with warm water.

    3. Natural shampoo

    Bee honey heart.

    People looking for all-natural shampoos to wash and care for their hair can try a tablespoon of honey diluted in 200 milliliters of water. According to a study published in the European Journal of Medical Research , honey is beneficial against dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.

    • If we want to use our usual shampoo, we can try this remedy as a conditioner or mask.

    4. Syrups, one of the popular uses of honey

    Without a doubt, the preparation of natural syrups is one of the most widespread uses of honey. Thanks to its antimicrobial and antiviral properties, this ingredient helps to improve this symptom.

    In fact, a study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that honey worked better than two common cough medications. 

    • To this syrup we can add lemon and orange peels, ginger, cinnamon or thyme.

    5. Regulatory intestinal

    A study through The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , suggests that, in the intestine, honey acts as a mild laxative to promote evacuation. 

    • To enhance its virtues, we must drink a glass of hot water every morning on an empty stomach with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

    6. Good digestion

    Honey and peeled walnuts

    Bee honey is a medicinal remedy to treat multiple digestive problems such as heartburn or gastric ulcers. It acts by regulating the secretion of gastric juices, while exerting its anti-inflammatory and healing properties on the entire digestive mucosa.

    7. Uses of honey: to sleep better

    Nervousness or insomnia problems? Honey can help you with this too. In addition to being rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, it  contains sugars that naturally increase insulin levels and produce serotonin.

    This hormone is related to our mood and gives us a feeling of relaxation. A study published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN concluded that the mixture of milk and honey improves the state of sleep.

    • We can drink, every night, a relaxing infusion or a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey.

    We can use honey as a complement to various treatments. However, we must moderate its intake and use it only when necessary. In addition, for no reason should it replace medical treatment.

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