9 Reasons To Prefer Vegetable Protein

Among the many benefits of vegetable protein, we find that it can favor fat consumption. In addition, it helps us control cholesterol levels, thereby reducing cardiovascular risk.

When it comes to protein, people generally think of meat, whether it’s beef, chicken, fish, or any other animal source. Few think of vegetable protein, but it exists and fulfills the same functions as animal protein. Those who know the most information about vegetable protein are vegetarians and vegans.

However, in reality many foods that we consume frequently are vegetable proteins, although many do not know it because they believe that proteins can only come from animal sources. For this reason, today we bring you detailed information about vegetable protein, as well as the best reasons to prefer it over meat.

The act of eating

Varied foods: fruits, eggs, yogurt and cereals.

For humans, food is more than a basic need. Unlike other species that eat only when hungry, humans eat for at least two other reasons: pleasure and anxiety.

However, before any meaning we give to the act of eating, it is a real necessity. In other words, it is something instinctive and essential for survival.

However, as we have learned to eat not only by instinctual act, we eat a lot of products that are not essential. However, when we talk about proteins, we are referring to essential foods for the body.

Characteristics of vegetable protein

The importance of proteins lies in the fact that they are responsible for building, maintaining and repairing the body’s tissues, as stated by research published in Domestic Animal Endocrinology.

Some proteins are complete and some are incomplete. The complete ones have the 9 essential amino acids, and in this group are those of animal origin. On the other hand, the incomplete ones have only 7 or 8 and correspond to the vegetables.

However, although most plant proteins are incomplete, they can complement each other to provide the 9 essential amino acids. It should be noted that quinoa and soy do have all 9 amino acids, although in small amounts and with low digestibility. This means that when you eat one of these you contribute to your body the same as if you were eating meat or chicken.

Here are the reasons for preferring vegetable protein.

1. They are more than protein

Different colored cereals in bowls.

When you eat vegetable protein you are not only giving your body protein, but you are also offering it other nutrients it needs.

This is because plant-based protein products are high in healthy fats, phytonutrients, and fiber.

2. Helps patients with liver cirrhosis

Patients with cirrhosis of the liver tend to have a significant and noticeable loss of muscle mass.

A diet based on a consumption where 90% of the proteins come from plant sources has been shown to help preserve muscle mass. And, at the same time, other complications produced by this disease are prevented and stopped.

3. Fat consumption

Part of the problems to consider when dieting is related to losing muscle mass instead of fat.

The original idea of ​​any diet should be to lose weight, but in terms of adipose tissue. With the consumption of protein vegetables a hormone called glucagon is released. This avoids the expenditure of protein as an energy source and encourages the body to consume fats.

4. Decrease in cholesterol

Vegetable protein contains amino acids that release a substance that generates a kind of chain reaction. With this, receptors are produced and activated that trap bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduce it.

5. Delays cancer and other tumors

A diet based on plant protein can reduce the effects of the hormone IGF 1, related to the appearance of tumors. Which means that by deactivating this hormone you run less risk of suffering these complications.

The consumption of vegetables has been shown to reduce the incidence of cancer. Not only due to the presence of proteins in its composition, but also due to its phytonutrient content with antioxidant character.

6. Vegetable protein is satiating

Different vegetable foods on plates

If you are one of those people who fight against obesity or simply against anxiety, even if you are thin, vegetable proteins are your best option. These foods quickly create a feeling of fullness that lasts for a long time.

7. Activate the liver

Vegetable protein has the virtue of activating the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver, generating satiety and promoting weight loss.

8. Athletic bodies

Woman teaching abs in gym.

Some tests have determined that an athlete fed vegetable protein, instead of animal protein, can cause an excellent increase in muscle mass. Thus, it is ideal for athletes.

9. Reduce environmental impact

Beyond the individual benefits that it can offer us, the progressive substitution of animal protein for vegetable protein decisively helps the health of the planet.

Meat production practices can be very cruel to animals, but it is also a highly polluting activity.

Hence, although we do not feel it directly, the industrial production of meat also affects our health because it damages the environment. All this without counting that meat is often full of additives, which are harmful to your body.

Consuming plant protein has health benefits

In short, vegetable proteins are very good for your health. However, if you want to make a big change in your diet, the ideal is that you consult with a specialist in nutrition.

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