How To Include Coconut Oil In Your Diet

Like olive oil, coconut oil is one of the healthiest for cooking, since it does not become toxic or adulterate at high temperatures

Virgin coconut oil has many health and beauty properties. However, few people know how to include it in their daily diet.

In this article we give you ideas and recipes for you to use coconut oil in your menus, for example, in chocolates, stir-fries, smoothies, etc.

Where do you get coconut oil?

Extra virgin coconut oil is made from fresh peeled and ground coconuts.  These have been left to dry in special cabinets, which function as a low-temperature tumble dryer. In this way, the properties of the food are kept intact.

The dried shredded coconut is then cold pressed to obtain extra virgin coconut oil.

By means of other faster processes, low-quality coconut butters are made, which we do not recommend.

We can buy it in stores of organic and natural products, dietetics and Asian supermarkets.


What does it bring us in the kitchen?

Virgin coconut oil is a healthy fat that solidifies in low temperatures and turns liquid in heat, above about 25 degrees, similar to butter.

This feature  allows you to play with textures to solidify some recipes without having to use jellies or cream.

It is of 100% vegetable origin and does not contain any other added ingredient, as long as it is of good quality, obtained by cold extraction.

It has a mild, sweet and tropical aroma. Therefore, it combines well with any type of food.

Cooking safely with coconut oil

Coconut oil has the great advantage that it does not oxidize as much as oils from the animal world when cooked at high temperatures. In addition, it manages to maintain its benefits despite the heat according to this study. However, the fact of subjecting foods and oils to high temperatures increases the formation of acrylamide and therefore their toxicity.

The most stable oils at high temperatures are coconut oil and olive oil, so they are the best options for cooking. As if that were not enough, coconut allows us to give a touch of different flavor to our dishes.

In this way, this oil can be the healthiest alternative for frying  since it is not so adulterated and maintains its properties.

Thus, it compensates for the fact that it is more expensive than other oils, since we can use it for a longer time.

On the other hand, the regular consumption of coconut oil seems to present cardioprotective effects according to a study in the journal “Postgraduate Medicine”.

Sautéed in the wok

The exotic flavor of this oil makes it an ideal option for cooking stir-fry in the wok, that large skillet characteristic of Asian cuisine. In this way we cook with little oil and prevent food from burning.

In this way we get the recipe to be just right , crisp and with the original color.

We can sauté vegetables, pasta, rice, mushrooms, prawns, chicken, egg, etc.

Sautéed in the wok

Healthier chocolates with coconut oil

With coconut oil you can also cook more natural and healthy chocolates . This is the recipe:


  • 2 tablespoons of pure cocoa powder (20 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (90 g)
  • 3 or 4 teaspoons of natural sweetener: stevia, agave syrup, honey, etc.


  • Mix the ingredients at a slightly hot temperature so that the oil melts, until you get a thick liquid.
  • Fill an ice bucket and put it in the fridge.
  • In an hour you will have some healthy chocolates ready.

To give each one a touch of different flavor, before filling the ice bucket you can put a special ingredient at the bottom of each hole : a dried fruit, a spice, a raisin or candied fruit, etc.

You then fill the ice bucket in the same way. When you take out the chocolates and turn them you will see what you have added on top of each one.


Tropical coconut smoothie

You can also prepare a healthy smoothie for your breakfasts or snacks. We explain how to do it with coconut oil:

Ingredients for two people

  • 1 slice of fresh pineapple
  • ½ ripe mango
  • 1 very ripe banana
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (30 g)
  • Ginger powder to taste
  • Honey to taste


We beat the ingredients well until we get a homogeneous texture.

This shake can be  ideal to take before physical or mental effort  due to its sugar and vitamin content.

In conclusion, don’t hesitate to add coconut oil to your dishes. Its flavor will surprise you and you will enjoy its many benefits.

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