Burning Feet Remedies And Tips

Burning feet is an uncomfortable symptom that can be accompanied by tingling and pain. Does it tend to afflict you frequently? Discover how to combat it with remedies of natural origin.

Burning sensation in the feet is a common symptom of injuries that involve the nerves in the legs and feet. It often afflicts patients with diabetic neuropathy, although it can also occur due to nutritional deficiencies, muscle overload, infections, among others. Do you know the remedies for burning feet?

The discomfort can be mild or severe, depending on its underlying cause. It can also be accompanied by tingling, numbness, inflammation, and a variety of other symptoms. Fortunately, there are several naturally-derived solutions that provide relief from this problem. We invite you to discover them.

5 remedies for burning feet

When trying burning foot remedies it is important to consider the underlying cause. While natural preparations are calming, other treatments are sometimes required. So if your burning feet is caused by diabetic neuropathy, infections, or diseases that affect the nerves, see your doctor.

Now, if the discomfort comes from muscle overload, stress or frequent use of inappropriate footwear, you can try natural alternatives without any inconvenience. Take note!

1. Epsom salts

Epsom salts

Epsom salt baths are still valid as a natural therapy for burning and sore feet. Due to its relaxing effect, it is ideal against discomfort caused by nervous, muscular and circulatory problems. 

What should you do?

  • First, add a half cup of Epsom salts to a bowl of hot water.
  • Then, soak your feet for 15-20 minutes.

Be careful : check that the temperature is bearable.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil massages are highlighted in this list of remedies for burning feet. And, although it is a product with many culinary applications, it also has various therapeutic applications. Its external use relaxes the muscles and fights swelling and tingling.

What should you do?

  • Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to a temperature suitable for applying to the skin.
  • Then rub it on your feet with a gentle massage. Extend the treatment for about 10 minutes and rest.
  • If you wish, repeat the remedy every night before sleeping.

3. Remedies for burning feet: thyme


Thyme contains a substance known as timolol, whose action reduces joint pain, tingling, and inflammation. Therefore, both the plant and its essential oils can be used to complement the treatment of burning feet.

What should you do?

  • First, add fresh thyme to a pot of boiling water.
  • Cover the preparation and let it rest until it reaches a bearable temperature.
  • Subsequently, pour the liquid into a basin of water and immerse the feet for 20 minutes.
  • Optionally, combine about 5 drops of thyme oil with olive oil and massage.

4. Flaxseed oil

Due to its significant concentration of omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants, flaxseed oil has been classified as a therapeutic oil. Its topical application regulates the activity of the nervous system, improves blood flow and reduces inflammation. 

What should you do?

  • First, put a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in the palms of your hands.
  • Then rub them together and use them to massage your feet.
  • Perform the massage for 10 minutes and rest.

5. Hot and cold water

Feet in cold water: Remedies for burning feet

We close this collection of remedies for burning feet with a basic and affordable alternative for everyone: alternating hot and cold water. This simple therapy helps to recover the muscle, tendons and nerves after exercising or any high intensity activity.

What should you do?

  • When you experience burning feet, soak your feet in hot water. Wait about 3 minutes and then transfer them to a basin of cold water. Repeat the same action 2 or 3 times, until your feet feel relaxed.

The use of these remedies for burning feet is usually enough to calm the discomfort. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Be aware of other signs such as ulcers or open wounds, intense burning, burning radiating to the legs, tenderness in the fingers, etc.

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