5 Shakes To Combat Constipation

Eating foods that promote digestion is a natural remedy for constipation.  In this article we suggest some shakes that you can take throughout the day and that will help you improve your intestinal function.

What is constipation?

A healthy person can defecate about twice a day. Constipation or constipation is a disorder in which you have three or fewer bowel movements a week. In general, this phenomenon is temporary, however, it can be quite painful because the stools, hard and dry, are difficult to expel. Among its main symptoms are the feeling of bloating, abdominal pain, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis.

Constipation is directly related to eating, but there are other factors that can cause it:

  • A diet low in fiber and rich in protein
  • Drink little water
  • Insufficient physical exercise, especially in the case of the elderly.
  • Stress
  • Anxiety or nervousness
  • Suppressing the urge to evacuate
  • Laxative abuse, especially if they have not been prescribed by the doctor
  • Pregnancy
  • Diseases such as colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, and hypothyroidism.

If you are suffering from frequent constipation, we recommend that you go to the specialist immediately. Although it is generally not a serious problem, it can lead to intestinal disorders.

Also check: Combat slow digestion with aloe vera-based preparations

For those uncomfortable and painful moments we propose:

5 Smoothies to combat constipation

Natural  juices  and smoothies are very healthy and provide us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals, however, to combat constipation, fruit smoothies are much more effective. In addition to the nutritional value that fruits give them, the shakes provide fiber and, in many cases, dairy products that promote bowel movement. That way you can avoid laxatives, which could irritate the intestinal mucosa, affect the absorption of nutrients and cause constipation.

Don’t abuse refined sugars either. Decide on a natural sweetener:  acacia honey .

Kefir and prune smoothie 

honey alsjhc

The  Kefir  is a kind of probiotic yoghurt containing calcium and magnesium, vitamin B group and essential amino acids such as tryptophan and easily digestible protein. It is said to improve intestinal flora and eliminate constipation. For its part, prunes are known as one of the best foods against constipation.

How to prepare it?

Let the plums soak from the night before, drain them and pass them with the kefir through the blender until they are very creamy. Drink your just-made smoothie.

Date oatmeal smoothie

shake robin lee

L to drink porridge is excellent to start the day for their energy content. While dates are rich in sugars and fiber.

How to prepare it?

For this shake we can use oatmeal drink or a tablespoon of oat flakes that we will have soaked for a couple of hours in hot water. Pass everything through the blender with some fresh dates. You will see how sweet and creamy it is.

Apple and kiwi smoothie

Especially in the early hours of the morning, the apple is a mild laxative, thanks to its pectin content. When combining the  kiwi, we will have a delicious smoothie rich in vitamins C and E.

How to prepare it?

We can use the raw apple or cook it for a while, which will give it even more flavor. Blend the pulp of 1 kiwi with a well chopped apple. If you wish, you can add some ice cubes and make a frappe shake.

Yogurt and fig smoothie

banana shake Foodmayhemcom

Yogurt contributes to the intestinal flora with beneficial bacteria, especially if it is natural. The  figs, fresh or dried, provide fiber and sweetness.

How to prepare it?

Add several figs to two cups of yogurt. Blend and serve immediately.

Hazelnut and flax seed smoothie

Nuts and flax seeds are superfoods due to their high proportion of minerals, vitamins, fiber and omega-3. Antioxidant and energetic, hazelnuts will fill your day with minerals and flavor.

How to prepare it?

You can use a handful of hazelnuts or a cup of hazelnut milk per shake. Add a teaspoon of flax seeds that you have soaked from the night before. Add the soaking water and beat everything. If you wish, you can sweeten the shake with a teaspoon of honey.

Also check: Foods to increase hemoglobin levels

Images courtesy of alsjhc, Foodmayhemcom and Robin Lee

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