Ginger Oil: Benefits And How To Prepare It At Home

Ginger oil can help with digestive problems, relieve arthritis and improve skin. Discover its uses, benefits and how to prepare it at home.

Ginger, whose scientific name corresponds to Zingiber officinale , is a plant appreciated for its medicinal and culinary uses. The most widely used part of the kion , as it is also known in Peru, is the rhizome, an underground stem that grows horizontally and is used to prepare tea and flavor foods from cubes, grated or oil.

For its part, its most widespread therapeutic uses include treating digestive problems, relieving arthritis pain, and eliminating nausea caused by dizziness and pregnancy. We show you other ways in which ginger and its oil can contribute to your health.

What is ginger oil?

Ginger oil is a fatty liquid that is obtained from subjecting the rhizome of the plant of the same name to a distillation process. In general, it is a concentrated oil, yellow in color and whose aroma is characterized by being strong and spicy. Its uses span the medical and cosmetic industries.

What are the benefits of ginger oil?

Although many of the benefits attributed to ginger oil are anecdotal evidence, there is also research that certifies the ways in which it can improve health. Let’s see some.

1. Natural anti-inflammatory

A study published in the Journal of Oleo Science showed that ginger oil has anti-inflammatory properties, capable of preventing changes in kidney function that are associated with inflammation. Similarly, it could protect kidneys from cadmium-poisoned rodents.

On the other hand, an investigation in rats with rheumatoid arthritis found that, although an injection of ginger oil could not reduce the acute inflammation suffered in the joints, it did manage to eliminate the chronic inflammation.

Finally, other research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food suggested that adding ginger oil extract to the diet of obese rodents can prevent weight gain and reduce inflammation markers.

Now, it is necessary to consider that research in humans is still required to certify the anti-inflammatory effects of ginger essential oil.

Ginger in traditional medicine.

2. Relieve nausea

According to traditional medicine, inhaling the vapor from ginger oil can eliminate nausea. Let’s see what science says about it.

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine set out to evaluate the efficacy of this oil against postoperative nausea. In the results, the participants reported lower levels of vomiting than those who took a placebo.

On the other hand, a study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine yielded conflicting results. In this investigation, postoperative nausea levels were compared in children who inhaled a mixture of oils (including ginger) or a placebo, and no differences were found.

3. Skin and joint care

According to a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science , ginger oil acts as a powerful antioxidant that, when combined with cream and other essential oils, can reduce roughness on the skin.

Meanwhile, research on rodents published in Phytotherapy Research showed that daily topical application of ginger oil, combined with other essential oils, can reduce the severity and inflammation of arthritis. However, more human studies are still needed.

Other benefits of ginger oil

Other benefits linked to ginger oil include the following:

  • Natural Aphrodisiac: According to a study published in the Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products , ginger oil acts as a natural aphrodisiac and remedy for erectile dysfunction.
  • Reduce anxiety: For Ayurvedic medicine, ginger oil is effective in treating emotional problems such as fear, abandonment and lack of confidence. On the other hand, a study published in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry showed that it can alleviate anxiety.
  • Treat an upset stomach and other digestive problems: Ginger essential oil is considered by folk medicine as one of the best natural remedies for indigestion, diarrhea, and colic.
  • Promote hair growth: Traditionally, ginger oil has been used in shampoos and other products for its purported effects on hair growth. However, one of its active ingredients, 6-gingerol, was found to suppress hair growth in animals.

How can ginger oil be used?

In the kitchen, ginger oil is used to flavor, flavor and enrich food. Since it must be used in small quantities due to its invasive nature, the recommendation is to combine it with others (such as extra virgin olive).


To obtain the benefits of this oil through aromatherapy you can use a diffuser or spray, as well as steam inhalations. With the diffuser you just have to follow the instructions of the model you have. Keep in mind that there will be cases in which it will be necessary to dilute the oil in a little water.

Now, to do steam inhalations, it is recommended to follow these steps:

  1. Heat water until it is steaming and pour it into a container.
  2. Add 1-2 drops of ginger oil.
  3. Put a towel over your head.
  4. Close your eyes, place your head over the container, and inhale deeply.

Topical use

If you are applying ginger oil to your skin, you should always dilute it with a carrier oil. Some oils that fulfill this function are almond, coconut, jojoba and avocado.

Side Effects and Precautions

Ginger oil is considered safe with few side effects. In addition, you must bear in mind that many of these are caused by ignorance, as is the case of applying the oil on the skin without diluting it. It is also advisable to try a small amount first.

On the other hand, high doses of this oil can cause heartburn, diarrhea and irritation in the mouth. Pregnant and lactating women cannot consume it without consulting a doctor. Pregnant women, especially, cannot take more than 1 gram a day.

Children over the age of 2 can take it to relieve nausea, spasms, and headaches. However, consultation with a specialist is also required.

People taking anticoagulants should also not ingest it without professional supervision, as it increases the risk of bleeding. Something similar happens with diabetics and hypertensive people, since a combination of drugs and oil can lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure too much.

Ginger essential oil.

How to prepare ginger oil at home?

You can prepare it from the comfort of your home with these ingredients and instructions.


  • Fresh ginger
  • Olive oil.


  1. Peel the ginger, chop it into small pieces and proceed to grate them.
  2. Add the ginger zest to a bowl of olive oil.
  3. Mix, put it in the oven and leave it for 2 hours.
  4. While it is in the oven, prepare a container that you will cover with a sterilized white cloth.
  5. After 2 hours, pour the mixture onto the cloth and squeeze into the container.
  6. Then, transfer the oil to a glass container with a tight lid that you should store in a cool, dry place.

What to remember about ginger oil?

Extracted from the rhizome of the plant of the same name, ginger oil is easy to recognize by its strong and pungent smell. It is usually used, when combined with other oils, to flavor salads.

Similarly, benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving skin health, and relieving anxiety, can be obtained through topical use and techniques such as aromatherapy.

Regarding its side effects, despite being considered safe, its intake should not be exceeded. Children, pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before starting their consumption.

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