7 Health Disorders Caused By New Technologies

Spending too much time in front of the computer can cause eyestrain and even lead to myopia problems. It is essential to exercise your eyesight and establish a maximum number of hours of use

Something that few are aware of is that the  excessive use of new technologies can lead to serious health problems.  Although they do not occur immediately, in the long term they can reduce the quality of life.

Being aware of the impact they have on the body and trying to reduce their use as much as possible is decisive to avoid all the harmful consequences for health.

For this reason, we want to reveal the  7 disorders that are associated with the excessive use of technological devices.

1. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by new technologies

Carpal tunnel syndrome was a type of injury that, until before the advent of new technologies, was only seen in older adults.

Currently, due to the position of the wrist when holding the mouse, this disorder can develop. It is characterized by pain in the wrist and in the palm of the hand. 

How to prevent it?

The proper position is to position the keyboard so that your arms are at a right angle, your shoulders are relaxed, and your wrists are supported.

2. Tennis elbow

Injury to the wrist extensors can occur when held up when using computers. This is known as tennis elbow and is a swelling on the outer side of the upper arm near the elbow.

How to prevent it?

  • Support your back well on the back of the seat and keep your wrists supported by the table.

3. Visual stress or myopia

Visual stress due to new technologies

One of the most common conditions in those who spend more than 8 hours a day in front of the computer or any other electronic device is visual stress.

It is an ocular difficulty that causes dryness, a feeling of fatigue and, in more complex cases, myopia.

How to prevent it?

  • Lubrication with artificial tears is helpful because it relaxes the eye muscles and prevents them from overloading.
  • In addition, it is appropriate to maintain a distance of about 50 centimeters between the eyes and any type of screen.

4. Overweight and obesity

Unfortunately, the addiction caused by most electronic devices  is one of the main causes of sedentary lifestyle and, therefore, of overweight and obesity.

Children and adolescents are the most affected population since, in general, they join this habit with industrial food.

The consequences are worse in the medium and long term, since excess weight and lack of physical activity trigger cardiovascular disorders and diabetes.

How to prevent it?

  • Establish a prudent schedule to start and end activities with the devices. Likewise, try to encourage physical activity and outdoor games.

5. Insomnia


It is proven that people who use all kinds of electronic devices before going to sleep have a more difficult time falling asleep properly.

This is due to the decrease in sleep hours due to entertainment and the light they emit, which reduces the production of melatonin, also known as the relaxation and sleep hormone.

How to prevent it?

  • Avoid using electronic devices before going to bed. So that they do not influence the quality of sleep,  they should be stopped at least one hour before going to sleep.

6. Impairment of the nervous system

The abuse of new technologies is related to the deterioration in the central nervous system. This is because the electromagnetic fields they emit lead to developing pathologies such as:

  • Vertigo
  • Fatigue.
  • Brain tumors.

How to prevent it?

  • The reduction of the hours of use is decisive to avoid this type of consequences.

7. Hearing problems

In one way or another we have all become accustomed to constant exposure to the different types of sounds emitted by new technology devices.

The problem is that,  in excess, it causes damage to the ears. Especially when it comes to some kind of headphone playback.

What is the solution?

  • Try to reduce the listening time and choose a suitable sound level.

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