Internal Lateral Ligament Sprain, What Does It Consist Of?

Although medial lateral ligament sprain generally has a good prognosis, it is a very discomforting injury that requires treatment that can be prolonged. Discover more by reading.

Medial lateral ligament sprain is one of the most common sports injuries. It especially affects those who practice soccer , futsal, skiing, basketball and karate, among others.

The most common is that this pathology does not present complications and that a total cure is achieved, without sequelae. In some cases, it may require surgical intervention, although it is preferred to start with the conservative approach.

What is the medial lateral ligament?

The medial lateral ligament is one of the four most important ligaments in the knee. Unlike the cruciate ligaments, this is located outside the joint. Connect the top of the tibia to the bottom of the femur.

The function of the medial lateral ligament is to give the knee stability. Likewise, it limits the movement that from side to side; that is to say, it resists the deviation of the joint inwards, so that the natural limits are not overcome. Due to its location and importance, it is one of the most frequently injured.

The most common is that injuries are caused by excessive stretching of the ligament or by partial and complete tears. It is what is commonly known as an internal lateral ligament sprain.

Knee sprain and its treatment.

Sprain or injury to the medial lateral ligament

Generally speaking, ligaments have the ability to stretch and then return to their starting position without any damage. However, if that capacity is exceeded, some fibers break. It is then when we speak of sprain, which will be classified based on the number of broken tissues, with three degrees:

  • First degree: when there is overstretch, but very few broken fibers.
  • Second degree: if the tear reaches up to 50% of the ligament.
  • Third degree: when the breakage is more than 50%.

The medial lateral ligament sprain is caused by an external force that deflects the knee inward, that is, toward the other knee. This occurs when, for example, the outside of the leg or the inside of the ankle is struck. Also when the foot or shoe is stuck to the ground during a turn and a twist occurs.

A person with an internal lateral ligament sprain feels pain on the inside of the knee. You also experience instability, as the joint gives way or locks. The pain increases when you bend or straighten your leg, and you often feel uncomfortable walking.

Treatment for medial lateral ligament sprain

Treatment options vary depending on the degree of the medial lateral ligament sprain. If the injury is of the first degree, the usual thing is to proceed with conservative treatment, with immobilization and an early rehabilitation program.

If the sprain is second or third degree, each case should be evaluated and whether a conservative treatment is advanced or if a surgical intervention is necessary. Either way, the initial measurements are as follows:

  • Apply ice to the affected area, several times a day.
  • Elevate the leg.
  • Ingest analgesics and anti-inflammatories based on professional prescription.
  • Consult for a medical evaluation, as soon as possible.


Physiotherapy treatment is the most common for this injury. The type of work to be carried out depends on the severity of the condition and the patient’s conditions. In general, the measures that are taken are as follows:

  • Contrast baths, electrotherapy and gentle exercises: the goal is to decrease pain and inflammation, to allow the patient to walk without discomfort and to tolerate other exercises.
  • Hydrotherapy: it is very convenient, since it not only helps to strengthen the muscles, but also reduces the stress suffered by the injured person.
  • Specific exercise program: the objective is to increase knee flexion, increase stability and muscle strength. Also recover proprioception.
  • Exercise bike: very effective in increasing joint mobility.
  • Massages: massages help reorganize the fibers of the ligament.


In a few cases, the medial lateral ligament sprain will require surgery to repair or rebuild the affected area. It is rarely the first option, so an intervention of this type is only used when the other measures do not work and the mobility of the patient is affected.

Arthroscopy is done before surgery to determine the extent of the injury. There are two options in these cases:

  • Direct repair of the internal lateral ligament: allows to repair the ligament and give it adequate strength and tension. It is carried out through an incision on the inside of the knee and requires a subsequent rehabilitation program.
  • Ligamentous plasty: a semitendinosus tendon is implanted between the femur and the tibia. For this, bio-absorbable staples, anchors or screws are used. It also requires a process of rehabilitation.
Physiotherapy for the knee.

How is the recovery?

Typically, recovery from an internal lateral ligament sprain takes between 10 days and 12 weeks, depending on the severity of the injury and the treatment used. The best way for the patient to recover quickly and without sequelae is to start the approach early and maintain discipline.

The prognosis for these types of injuries is generally good, even if surgery must be done. There are techniques such as acupuncture, auriculotherapy, holistic kinesiology and neuromuscular bandaging that could give good results, although there is still not enough evidence to recommend them in the first line.

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