How To Act If The Boy Has Not Come To The Appointment?

The boy has not come to the appointment and she (or he) is alone at the table looking at the phone. A situation that can cause embarrassment, as well as unsustainable anger. A series of sensations mix and it is time to get up and go out with your head held high, but it is difficult.

The most important thing is to know how to act in this circumstance and what to do with that boy the next day. Although the best thing is to hope that the emotions are balanced a little.

You are in the agreed place and the boy has not come to the appointment

Woman complaining

After several messages, you agree to a meeting, you put a time and a place to meet for the appointment. After choosing the right clothes, doing a hairstyle and telling the plan in the group of friends, you attend anxiously.

After spending a while at the table waiting for the boy, the nerves usually appear. The best thing is to always have a book in your wallet to spend the minutes alone. Everyone may have some delay, but you always have to put a cap on waiting.

After the stipulated time without any novelty of the gentleman in question, we must opt for the plan B. That is, pay the bill with the best smile and change course. Or call a friend to come and keep you company and change the end of the night.

What to do with the boy who has not come to the appointment and did not notify?

Here are some keys that can help you manage the situation in the best possible way. However, you should keep in mind that these are not rules that must be followed to the letter or that can be applied to all cases equally.

1. No rush

The basis for not falling into the traps of impulses is not to react hastily. Nothing to start thinking about possible causes of the sit-in that make you feel even worse.

To correctly analyze any situation, the best thing is that calm and real information predominate. Thoughts can pile up and create a tremendous tale about what happened. But the truth is that it may not coincide at all with reality. It is best to wait until you clearly know what happened before acting.

2. A call

The next day, in a calmer mood, you can call him to check that nothing bad has happened to him. However, you do not have to show the slightest emotion in the contact. A simple, “how are you?” it is enough for an explanation to take place.

The advisable thing is not to reproach, not to show anger or sadness, just a cordial greeting. When confirming that he is well, it is necessary to cut the communication. Let it be clear that they are respectful people who do not wait for anyone, but without saying it.

3. Don’t insist

Dignity indicates that he will be the one who must fight for a new opportunity, if he wants it. In case of not answering your call or not communicating with you again, it is best not to insist. Indifference can be a good technique to get your attention.

In the event that it does not come close, it is best to leave that story for the trunk of memories. What good is it to insist with someone who does not even show interest in the first stage?

4. No stories on social networks

Woman checks mobile without moving.

It is true that today most of them upload all their stories or moods to social networks, but not this. You have to control that habit and avoid any comment about the boy who has not come to the appointment.

Rather, it is more positive to post something beautiful that you have planned or what is interesting about your next weekend. You have to show that you have a busy life and you don’t have time to waste with people who are not worth it.

Possible reasons why the boy did not come to the appointment

There are many reasons why a person may miss an appointment. Some are forgiven, others are not ; It depends on the limits that each one places on their relationships.

1. Forgetfulness or confusion

Man turning a clock forward

Although many do not understand it, there are very clueless people who can forget an appointment. Maybe you ran into friends that day, time passed and when you looked at your watch it was too late. It doesn’t mean he was disrespectful to you, but he forgot, and if he’s telling the truth, he might deserve another chance.

It is also likely that you have the wrong time or day and do not know how to fix the problem. As long as you are telling the truth, apologizing, and offering a reward, there is always time to start over.

2. Found something better

If you don’t apologize for what happened or make incredible excuses for your absence, then most likely you placed more importance on something else. In fact, he didn’t even bother to cancel as a gesture of respect.

In these cases, you don’t need to talk much more. They have no interest and have tried to use you as a second or third option in their lives so as not to be alone. And no one deserves to be used in this way: it is better to cut everything off the hook and not get duped into a relationship that will make you suffer.

The important thing is that you do not feel guilty

It is important to clarify that if the boy has not come to the appointment, there is no reason to feel guilty. All responsibility lies with whoever was absent and, as such, must bear the consequences. It’s always best to listen to your version to decide how to stick with impulse control. Although, of course, each one is in charge of taking care of his own heart, so do not fool yourself or be fooled.

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