Is It Advisable To Treat Depression Naturally?

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by the presence of a set of symptoms associated with reluctance, dejection, sadness and a feeling of general malaise. Those who suffer from this disorder experience great physical and psychological fatigue, feel that life weighs on them and often observe the world from a negative perspective.

Now depression is treatable. The question is knowing how to identify it and apply the most appropriate treatment and strategies, since it is a multifactorial disorder. For this reason, not only do you have to focus on taking medication, but it is also convenient to do psychotherapy. Although the most appropriate treatment depends on each particular case. It is also advisable to carry out small actions to regain calm and achieve well-being.

Thus, the first thing to do is go to a specialist to guide us on our recovery path. In addition, there are other complementary alternatives that could be helpful when treating depression, but always in a complementary way to what the specialist indicates.

In this case, we are talking about certain foods that can be beneficial in the complementary treatment of depression. Of course, these foods are not a substitute for medical treatment, nor can depression in most cases be cured “naturally”. We recommend seeing a mental health specialist to determine what diet

Compounds That May Help Depression

  • The magnesium, found in nuts, green leafy vegetables, avocados. According to a study by the University of Vermont published in the journal PLOS, taking a certain amount a day of this mineral benefits people with depression.
  • The tryptophan, in cocoa, for example. It is one of the key ingredients for the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is directly related to mood.
  • The omega 3 acids, of linseed or sardines. Dr. Almudena Sánchez Villegas affirms that epidemiological studies confirm the relationship between depression and Omega-3 deficiency. In fact, he comments that ” Omega-3 supplementation was particularly effective in improving depressive symptoms in patients with a diagnosis of major depression or bipolar disorder .”
  • The vitamin B12 containing sardines, eggs, dairy products. Vitamin B12 has been seen as a potential anti-depression compound, as well as folic acid.
  • The folic acid present in fruits and green leafy vegetables. It is a key vitamin for the synthesis of certain hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin or norepinephrine.

Thus, some of these nutrients could be taken as a supplement to treat depression, always taking into account the opinion of a specialist.

Sad woman with depression

What foods should we avoid?

There are also foods that are negatively related to depression if they are consumed in excess. Some of them are the following:

  • Saturated fats.
  • Aspartame (artificial sweetener).
  • Artificial colors.
  • White sugar.
  • Candies.
  • Hydrogenated drinks.
  • Alcohol.
  • Coffee.
  • Black tea

Other Resources and Strategies for Treating Depression


Mindfulness or mindfulness is a set of practices that aim to fix the attention in the present moment, without making judgments and from a kind and loving attitude. Dr. Vicente Simón has defined it as “ the universal and basic human capacity, which consists of the possibility of being aware of the contents of the mind moment by moment. ”Its practice can be very beneficial for people with depression.

A study from the University of Lund in Sweden, affirms that the symptoms of depression diminish after realizing mindfulness, since it favors the unblocking of attention. By focusing on the present moment, it prevents the person from being anchored in the past, as well as it favors the recognition of the negative feelings and thoughts that are experienced.

In this way, flight or avoidance of them is not encouraged. Rather, they try to analyze as isolated entities so that the person deepens their mental and emotional processes. That is, in how they work and thus manage to exercise control over them to achieve well-being.

Woman practicing mindfulness

Do exercise

Exercise is beneficial for older adults with depression. This is stated in an article published in 2013 by the Colombian Journal of Psychiatry. Its practice helps to counteract some effects of depressed mood, as long as it is done regularly, with sustained effort and certain limits are not crossed.

Some benefits that physical exercise could provide are the following:

  • The flow of negative thoughts stops and the mind sharpens.
  • Decreases the feeling of stress.
  • Encourage motivation.
  • It favors the release of endorphins, chemicals related to happiness and euphoria.
  • Improve self-esteem.
  • Prevents cognitive decline.

Forest baths

Forest baths or  shinrin-yoku  consist of connecting with nature through the five senses while in a forest. In this way, you disconnect from the routine of speed and stress to which you are accustomed to connect with the interior and fully enjoy the calm and tranquility of nature.

Dr. Qing Li states in some of his studies that this experience helps lower blood pressure and stress, as well as improve cardiovascular health,  the immune system, concentration, memory and humor.

As we can see, forest baths can be a profound experience. They help us to connect with ourselves and to get away from the mental noise that enslaves us so much and that in some cases favors the appearance or maintenance of depression.

To conclude, remember that when faced with depression, the most important thing is to go to a professional who can guide us on the road to recovery. Let’s not forget that depression is a mood disorder in which multiple factors intervene and knowing how to identify them requires experience and specialized knowledge.

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