6 Easy Tips To Show Off Perfect Hair

A perfect hair is a symbol of beauty and health. We would all love to be able to enjoy spectacular hair with which to feel more attractive. However, the lack of time or information in this regard usually takes a toll on our interest in caring for her. Therefore, it never hurts to follow some natural tips that, in addition to being simple, will be very interesting for you.

How to get perfect hair

Here are a series of tips to help you maintain perfect hair.

1. Don’t brush your hair too much

It may seem like a no-brainer, but brushing your hair too much could stimulate hair loss. Try to do it slowly, like a gentle massage, to detangle it well and not have to use the comb continuously. In the same way, try not to touch it too much, only what is necessary.

2. Rinse with cold water

Does cold water scare you? It is very revitalizing, especially in the morning. Although there is no scientific evidence that relates it to more beautiful hair, it is true that it helps reduce inflammation, so it would be recommended in cases of inflammatory epithelial problems. 

However, if you suffer from a related disorder, consult your doctor first.

3. Conditioner first, then shampoo

perfect hair

It is believed that it would be a way to protect the hair, although it is advisable to consult a hairdresser first. Thanks to this simple trick, greater hydration would be achieved, key for the moment of washing .  Another trick to remember is that after applying the conditioner and shampoo, in the final rinse, you can apply a few drops of lemon, or even a tablespoon of coconut oil, to your hair.

4. Use masks made with natural elements

perfect hair

And what are the two most suitable masks?

  • Egg mask with beer. You just have to mix an egg with half a glass of beer. Once you have it, you will get a homogeneous cream. When it is ready, it will be applied to damp hair and we will let it act for 20 minutes (you can put on a plastic cap, to make it easier). Afterwards, it is rinsed off with cool or warm water.
  • Avocado and honey mask.  You only need half an avocado and two tablespoons of honey. With the help of a spoon, mix everything well and apply it to the already damp hair, spreading it well. You have to let it act for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse.

5. Be careful with chemicals and high temperatures

perfect hair

Dyes can damage the health of your hair. Although sometimes it cannot be avoided, since each person has different aesthetic preferences , it  is necessary to try to be constant with the use of masks. In this way, we will achieve greater nutrition and repair.

Be careful with the excess of the dryer and the hair straighteners. Heat is not good for the hair, as it mistreats it and takes away its oxygenation. Try not to use them in excess, the result is always noticeable.

6. The secret of a good diet to achieve perfect hair

perfect hair

Good internal nutrition is reflected on the outside. The hair immediately translates the lack of minerals, iron, zinc and magnesium in the weakening of our hair; lack of shine, split ends, and dryness are other symptoms as well.

Remember, the best foods are those rich in iron, sulfur, omega 3, potassium and folic acid. And where do we find them? Take note:

  • Sulfur:  In broccoli, leeks, asparagus, pineapples or coconut.
  • Iron: Always remember to eat green leafy vegetables. Lentils and turkey or chicken meat are also very suitable.
  • Omega 3: Do you like nuts or oily fish? So do not hesitate, consume them whenever you can, especially if you are in the process of experiencing menopause.
  • Potassium:  You will find it in zucchini, mushrooms, squash, melons, and kiwis. Also in salmon or fermented yogurts.
  • Folic acid: Eat chickpeas, lentils, cereals like rice or whole wheat bread; fruits such as oranges or other citrus fruits. A low level of folic acid often leads to anemia, and a lack of iron causes the hair to weaken.

    The perfect hair: final comments

    Remember that just following these tips is not enough. It is necessary that you go to your dermatologist to expand any questions you have in this regard and, also, if you need an in-depth diagnosis or specific treatment.

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