Discover The Best Reducing Infusions For Your Abdomen

Do you know how reducing infusions help you? Although we hate to see how fat accumulates in certain parts of the body, it has two important purposes: to act as a thermal insulator and as an energy reserve. However, the fat must be distributed in a balanced way.

The amount and the place that fat occupies in our figure is very important. Thus,  the fat that is stored in the abdomen, in addition to being unsightly, carries risks. We must control it because it can reach a dangerous level in which heart problems and associated diseases appear.

The localized fat in your abdomen can be reduced through a proper diet  and aerobic exercise. But also with some accessories that we can adapt to our day to day, such as the reducing infusions that we are going to talk about.

Having mentioned this, we must emphasize that these infusions are not “miraculous”, much less can they be considered as a substitute for any meal during the day, much less any complementary medicine that has been previously prescribed by a professional in the area.

Why do I accumulate fat in the abdomen?

According to the Massachusetts General Hospital, in the United States, abdominal fat causes us to lose bone mineral density. This increases the risk of osteoporosis.

But the moment we begin to notice that our belly is more voluminous, we immediately think of the aesthetic problem, of those pants that no longer fit us. We forget that there are far more serious problems to worry about.

Fat in the abdominal region can even cause migraines, so keep in mind the reasons why we store fat in the abdomen:

  • Lack of exercise:  sedentary lifestyle is the worst enemy for health. It favors the accumulation of fats and toxins in our body.
    • A poor diet:  junk food, sweets, carbonated soft drinks and a high consumption of carbohydrates cause the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
    • Hormones:  there are people who suffer alterations in their hormones that lead to metabolic problems, where fatty acids are not processed well. Consequently, you gain weight.
    • Genetics: determines almost 50% that we store fat in the abdomen. If you see that your mother or aunts have this problem, watch your eating habits and avoid sedentary lifestyle.
    • Stress:  When we are under stress, the adrenal glands release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. It is common for cortisol in the blood to favor the formation of fat in the body, it is a process called lipogenesis.

    Benefits of “medicinal plants” to reduce our abdomen

    Once again, we must share with you that, by accumulating fat in the body, then, it is distributed throughout all areas, mainly causing a retention of it in the abdominal area.

    Now, we cannot only think that we are going to look beautiful with that desired abdomen, only with food. Remember exercise and rest.

    That said, we can mention that there are medicinal plants that help purify the body and help accelerate our metabolism. Therefore, it should be known that:

    • They are rich in ascorbic acid, a powerful antioxidant that removes lipids, fats, cells and dead or damaged tissues and replaces them with new ones, thus offering more muscle firmness.
    • They lower blood sugar levels and decrease the body’s resistance to insulin.
    • They reduce the appetite.
    • They reduce fluid accumulation and tissue inflammation.
    • They calm anxiety.

    The best reducing infusions to obtain a flat stomach

    These reducing infusions by themselves will not help us lose fat. Always remember it. On the contrary, they are a daily supplement in a varied and balanced diet that includes healthy fats such as oily fish. That is, where there is quality food.

    Nor should there be a lack of daily exercise and a clear awareness that, to reduce the abdomen, a constant effort is needed. The result is worth it and you will be taking care of your health!

    1. Jamaica flower infusion

    Jamaica flower infusion

    The Jamaica flower is one of the best natural plants to lose weight and get a flat stomach. It is rich in antioxidants, eliminates fat, renews tissues and strengthens muscles. You can find it in natural stores or in herbal stores.


    • 10 grams of Jamaica flower (in herbalists it is ready in tea bags)
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    Bring that glass of water to a boil. When it comes to a boil, add the Jamaica flower and cook for 15 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes. Strain the contents and drink twice a day for 10 days and rest for another 5.

    Also point out that the Jamaican infusion can be taken cold and accompanied by ice cubes. It is delicious and has a very attractive red color. Give it a try!

    2. Infusion of cinnamon and bay leaf

    Cinnamon and laurel for reducing infusions


    • A stick of cinnamon (3 g)
    • 2 bay leaves
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    Start as usual by boiling the water, and then drop the cinnamon stick and the bay leaves. Allow an infusion to be made over 20 minutes. Then let it rest for another 10 and strain all the contents to be left with only the infusion.

    Drink every morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. Rest a week and take the infusion again.

    3. Infusion of sage, honey and lemon



    • 15g fresh or dried sage
    • 1 liter of water
    • One lemon’s juice
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    Cook with water, sage and honey for 20 minutes. After this time, let it rest for about 15 minutes and then strain all the content. You can then add the lemon juice.

    We will drink this drink throughout the day, since it is one of the best reducing infusions. You can follow this treatment for 5 days and rest for another 5. You will see what a good result it offers you!

    Try these reducing infusions and choose the one you like best. If you incorporate them as a habit, along with a proper diet and some exercise, you will notice the results.

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